Diotima Promoted to Full Mystic!

Posted on December 18, 1999 in Uncategorized

Day 50, Year 535 of the Ascendancy

Today was another interesting day. After a very
profitable hunt in the Southern Passes, I returned to town, and visited
the Academy, only to find it filled with several Mystics in uniform.
They were here, it turned out, to promote my good friend Diotima to the
status of Mystic. I was elated, for Diotima was a Mystic I had known
since the very beginning.

This was an especially unique promotion, because
one of the three Mystics promoting Diotima was none other than our
venerable Aki. The ceremony was a beautiful one, and after Aki gave
Diotima a tour of the Academy, the two visited the town in uniform.
Grudos, Diotima, on becomming the second full Mystic of Puddleby!

Diotima the Mystic

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