Archive for July, 2003

Day 11, Year 551

Narsilion becomes a hopeful

Day 343, Year 550

Today I got to attend my clan’s much anticipated joint clan hunt with
the Sun Dragon Clan. SDC and ELF have a long history of working
together, and our tradition of hunting together dates back to the days
of the Ripture Wars and beyond, so it was nice to see our clans hunting
together once more, renewing old ties.

Joint SDC Hunt

After discussing the merits of various hunting grounds, our clans
settled on hunting on Melabrion’s Isle. Our hunt began by clearing the
beaches of wendies, then we promptly moved onto Melabrion’s Keep,
bringing down Mud Golems with a combination of smart tactics and

New Hunting Styles

After a quick tour of the Keep, we decided to move our hunt to
Melabrion’s Mines, in search of the elusive gold ore. However, we ran
into a spot of trouble when we grew overconfident in our abilities, and
decided to throw out tactics in favor of a mob-style rush. While
heading east towards the snake pit, we ran into a larger than expected
group of Tok’Han and cobras, and before we knew it, most of our party
was lying fallen on the ground. In short, it was a massacre(or a
mil’asanti, as we sylvans like to call it).

Luckily, a number of skilled chainers from both clans managed
to make it to the safe cave, and were able to muster a daring rescue.
In the end we all managed to make it out of the Mines in one piece,
though we didn’t get the chance to search for the gold ore. Still, the
hunt(and the rescue!) was a great success, and I hope to be able to
hunt again with SDC in the near future.

Tok'Han Hunting

Day 338, Year 550

The Newbielymics
competition was kick-offed today with the Openning Ceremonies held in
the Bard’s Field. The Newbielympics is a series of friendly contests
for new exiles hosted by the Winds of Dawn Clan,
and is open to all exiles who have yet to teach the rank of “Lord” or
“Lady”. This was the second such competition to be held in Puddleby,
following the successful innagural event, which was held in the Autumn
of 547.

Opening Cremeonies

Following the Opening Ceremonies, Bob the Archer of WoD held the
Trivia Contest, the first event of the zodiac long competition. Dragan,
Roffian, Shay, Vandergoth, Vusun, and Yesod entered the contest, to
answer a total of 45 mind-numbing trivia questions over the course of
three rounds. The winner of the event was Shay, who correctly answered
28 questions, and took home the prize of 750 coins. The next
Newbielympics event is the Hide and Seek competition, to be held on the
72nd of Autumn.

Difficult Questions

Day 303, Year 550

The builder Sah Bleyd announced today the completion of Poly Carver’s
woodworking shop in East Forest. Inside the small workshop Poly teaches
exiles how to make various woodworks, including shields, clubs,
barrels, and brooms. No word yet on what brooms might be useful
for(besides the obvious), though I suspect that the witch Prue would
know what to do with one.

Poly Carver
Poly offers me a lesson in woodcraft