Day 156, Year 537 of the Ascendancy
I have always known about the existance of the
Dark Chamber, but have never actually had the chance to visit there. On
this 66th day of Spring, I got my chance. Today, after some idle chat
in the town center, I got this strange urge to visit the Dark Temple.
So, I went to the shore, paid my five coppers, and rowed my way to Ash
Island. From there, I made my way swiftly to the Dark Temple, avoiding
the foul undine. Finally, I reached the very Temple itself. Then I
died. Luckily, my clan mate Sylune sensed my spirit waning, and with
the aid of her skristal, she located my fallen body. Soon, Lark,
followed by Typ and Severian, came to my rescue. I was quickly raised,
and we made our way down to where our boats were hidden by the shore.
However, on our way down, I mentioned to Lark that I had never visited
the Dark Chamber before, and she promised that she would show it to me
on the way out. We trudged through the dark woods, and when we had
almost reached the shore, Lark pulled me aside, and pointed to a
gnarled tree. That is how my adventures in the Dark Chamber began.

The tree turned out to be hollow, and within the
tree was a dimly lit chamber. A doorway opened to the west, from which
could be heard the sounds of fighting. We quickly rushed in, and found
Tarf, Blitz, and Warchild battling against Greater Wraiths(which I had
not seen since the forgetting) and other undine. The Wraiths were
quickly dispatched, and the creatures that were left were of the
queerest sort that I have ever seen. They are called Lesser Spectres,
and are a pale, transparent, blue. They move softly and silently, until
they come in sight of a target, at which point they fly after their
target with great speed. Their behavior is very similar to that of a
Flying Snake I saw once(see the entry for Day 36, Year 537) and they
would transpose themselves onto their targets, making them almost
impossible to hit(See a Vision Stone of the Spectres).
We gave up trying to kill the Spectres, and moved
in further west, into the Chamber propper. This chamber was brightly
lit, and roaring flames blazed, casting horrific shadows of the undine
that lurked there. I found myself drawn to the flames, and before I
knew what was going on, I found myself in the pentagram room of the
Dark Temple. There were all kinds of undine shuffling about, and I had
to move swiftly not to be felled by these undead foes. I found a
stairwell, and I sprinted my way up to the top, only to find several
Greater Wraiths, who promply felled me. Not before long, though, Lark
and the others made their way from the Dark Chamber, and rescued me
once again. We made our way out of the Temple, and rowed to the safety
of Puddleby. The Dark Chamber is quite an interesting place, and I
recommend any and all exiles to pay a visit there, though going with a
strong party is a must.