Another Year, Another Meeting

Posted on January 24, 2003 in Uncategorized

Day 7, Year 549

Happy New Year everyone, or as we say in Ilsardinish, Noi’fenbril
Myrthian! I’ve been pretty busy with my studies lately, so I haven’t
been keeping up with my journal as much as I would like. My tutors have
finally given me break from my studies today though, so I’ll take this
time to recount my adventures from my last clan meeting.

ELF Meeting
The Sylvan Circle

Last moon my clanmates gathered around the campfire near the Myrm
Highlands, as we do every moon, and discussed a number of things of
interest to our clan, including the plans for an upcomming joint-clan
hunt with clan Hunter.

At the conclusion of the meeting, we headed to the clan house
and joined the brave fighter Myiasis as a new clan Hopeful! Welcome to
the clan Myiasis!

Hopeful Myiasis
Myiasis becomes a hopeful!

Afterwards we decided to go hunting, but many of my clanmates had to
leave. This left us with only one healer, and only handful of fighters.
This didn’t deter us, however, and we started off the hunt with a quick
trip to the Rocky Cavern, where we encountered a number of Grey Wyrms.

Hunting Grey Wyrms
Hunting in RC

After dispatching some Wyrms, we decided to move our hunt to the
Arachnoid Cavern. This proved to be deadly. At first we were able to
hunt the ‘Noids successfully by utilizing the narrow passage of the
cavern, but none of us were able to brick the Arachnoids, and our lone
healer Vequalir could not keep up with the damage.

First Fleming fell, then Vequalir, and then we were all in
trouble. At this point a few more clanmates showed up for the hunt, but
they ended up falling as well. Soon there was a growing pile of sylvans
fallen in the Arachnoid Cavern.

Trouble in 'Noids
Trouble in ‘Noids

Luckily, we were soon rescued by Anfyr’s buff twin sister Shalyn,
who was able to slay the ‘Noids easily. Soon we were all back on our
feet, taking our revenge on the overgrown spiders.

After we cleared out the ‘Noids cavern, we began making our way
back towards town, but not before making a stop at the Tree Giant
Breeding Grounds for some TGs, Foxweirs, and Spriggins, bringing the
hunt to a close.

The Hunt’s Finale

One Response to “Another Year, Another Meeting”

  1. […] a nice little bonfire in the middle of TC. I like it. Reminds of having meetings around the old campfire with my clanmates. Green […]

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