Camped in the Foothills

Posted on May 26, 2001 in Uncategorized

Day 40, Year 542 of the Ascendancy

Today I finally got the chance to go on another DP raid, and I now
write this to yi from my familiar spot in the cave before the Dread
Passage. It took us a while to get here, running through the
Snagglewood and the Orga Outback, but we’ve finally made it. Currently,
a rescue party is out looking for some fallens that got left behind in
the Outback, while the rest of us take a breather in the cave. We’ve
quite a powerful group with us today, and this group has the markings
of a successful DP rairding party. Thus, I think I will start another
journal of the my adventures again. It has been more than two Storms
since anyone has reached the Foothills, so we are all praying that
something new will be discovered this time.

UPDATE: We died 🙁

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