Archive for July, 2000

Day 140, Year 538 of the Ascendancy

Hunting on Dal’Noth Isle has become one of the
most favorite pastimes of exiles, as of late. It has become as popular
as the Snaggle Wood once was, before the chests that the orga carried
were toned down. Now, exiles go to the Dal’Noth Isle for the rich
bounties of the ‘Noths, and the plentiful experience provided by the
many monsters. As a Journeyman Mystic skilled in the arts of portal
opening, I am often called forth to let exiles into the rich hunting
grounds of Dal’Noth Isle. Today, I was called to do just that. It was
quite early in the morning when Natas sunstoned me, asking me to come
to Dal’Noth Isle. I was still groggy, and my body still ached from the
countless hunts I’d been on in the past week, but I agreed to go
anyway. I reluctantly trudged to the docks, and rented one of the
rowboats from Captain Barnac.

When I reached Dal’Noth Isle, I was rather
surprised to see a small party; only seven members, including myself.
However, my surprise soon faded when I saw the party in action. The
party quickly cleared out the beaches and the passes, and made it’s way
to the Dal’Noth Town. Even the Town provided little challenge, and we
headed to the northern parts of the isle, then headed west. We even
explored the territory where just days before, the enigmatic Tuz’Noths
had been spotted, but fortunately, we did not see any ourselves. We
then cleared out the Dal’Noth Outpost, then returned to the surface and
cleared out the Dal’Noth Isle once over again.

Hunting on Dal'Noth

The sun was just beginning to rise over the
horrizon now. We made our way to the beach, and bid farewell to
Rent-A-Hippie, who retired herself for the day. We were now down to a
party of six. We continued to hunt the Dal’Noth Isle, but this time
with more caution. With so few hunters, the profits were even greater
then before, for there were less people to spilt the money with, from
the bounties. We were doing quite well, dispatching any ‘Noths that
stood in our way, and it seemed like I was going to chalk one up as
another successful Dal’Noth hunt. However, when we entered the lake
area, disaster struck. We were fighting two Zol’Noths, and doing quite
nicely, when four more Zol’Noths appeared out of nowhere, and joined in
on the fun. I was down on the ground in no time, and I was but the
first to fall.

Fallen by the Lake

Several Vel’Noths soon appeared, drawn to us by
the comotion, and soon, more than half of us lay fallen at their feet.
The few that did manage to escape soon fell as well, and things looked
pretty bleak. Several rescue parties were assembled, but they were all
disseminated before they even reached us. Soon, all of the healers in
the lands lay fallen on Dal’Noth Isle, and I was forced to depart. Many
of the exiles fallen on Dal’Noth Isle departed as well, and went back
to rescue the many fallen exiles still fallen on the cursed isle. As
for myself, I turned over the portal openning job to my fellow
Journeyman, Valtrim, and headed back to the Academy to catch some ‘z’s.

Day 138, Year 538 of the Ascendancy

Well, today was my clan’s monthly clan meeting,
and we had one of our larger turnouts. After discussing some ship
building issues with the ship builder Kixus Everride, it was decided
that we would hunt on Dal’Noth Isle. We paddled our way to Dal’Noth
Isle, and from there swept eastward along the southern beaches,
avoiding the narrow passes that could leave us trapped. It was one of
our more successful hunts in that no one ended up departing, and we
made quite a few coins from ‘Noth bounties.

Dal'Noth Hunt

Anyhow, after making one cycle around the isle, we
all stood again at the south-western tip of Dal’Noth Isle. It was there
that we heard some distressing news from town; hordes of Myrm were
sweeping through the northern farms, led by a powerful new type of
Myrm, known only as the Elite Myrm. Upon hearing this news, Fleming
officially ended our clan hunt, and we all rushed into our rowboats,
and paddled towards Puddleby. By the time we reached the northern farms
of Puddleby, most of the Myrm had been dispatched. At that point, it
was decided unanimously that we retaliate against the Myrm, and we
charged into the Myrm Hive as one.

Inside the Myrm Hive, chaos reigned. Hundreds of
Myrm milled about, and at the sight of the charging exiles, they
attacked fearlessly. Soon, skirmishes were taking place all over the
Hive, and the Hive was bustling with more activity than had been seen
since before the Great Forgetting. The exiles slowly pushed the Myrm
forces back, laboriously working towards the Queen Chamber. Myrm
Warriors and Protectors appeared at every turn, and even the workers
tried to deter the flow of exiles. It was not to be. We pushed past the
onslaught of Myrm, and broke into the very Queen Chamber itself.

Within the Hive

Within the Queen Chamber, the Myrm nobility
battled hopelessly against the wave of exiles, gradually falling one by
one, until even the Queen herself lay at the feet of us exiles. It was
then that a sudden outpour of Myrm Warriors arrived, too late to save
their Queen, but happy just to take revenge on us exiles. Before the
sudden wave of Myrm, I stood no chance, and I soon lay among the broken
carapices of the Myrm nobility.

Luckily, many of Puddleby’s most powerful exiles
were present there in the Hive that day, and it was only a matter of
time before the rest of the Myrm went the way of their Queen. I am
quite sure that the Myrm won’t be trying to invaded Puddleby again,
anytime soon. After the invasion, I took a brief respite within the
Academy, before I was invited on another Dal hunt by the Order of the
White Elpehant. It was another very successful hunt on the Dal’Noth
Isle, and I went home happy, with my purse filled to the brim with
coppers. (Check out a Vision Stone of the Myrm Invasion.)

OWE Hunt on Dal'Noth Isle

Day 136, Year 538 of the Ascendancy

Today I got to help out in a rescue in the passes
for the dwarf Norm. Norm has helped me out countless times(I am getting
to know his chain quite well) and it was quite a pleasure returning the
favor. After the rescue, we all went on a short hunt through the
passes, and helped out in a rescue in the Tangle Wood. By the time I
got to town, I was quite pooped. However, my fatigue soon melted out of
me, when I chanced upon the face of the Apprentice Mystic Eros. I was
quite elated, for I had not seen Eros in over a year. We had been
Apprentices together since before the Forgetting, and I soon found
myself in the tavern(together with the Fen Slinky), listening to her
tale over a cold mug of beer.

Eros tells her Tale

After listening to her fascinating tale(which
consisted of strange dreams and Dryads), we retired ourselves to the
Mystic Academy, to reminisce over old times. Afterwards, Eros even
offered me a bone she had picked up, for use as a Bone Flute. As it
turned out(as it usually is) the bone was not of the superior quality
that Hendrux required, but I feel forever indebted to Eros for the
generous offer she made me. Let me here give a fond “H’loi!” out to
Eros, for her return to the lands of exile.