Skeletal Invasion
Posted on June 17, 2000 in UncategorizedDay 77, Year 538 of the Ascendancy
Ever since the last Chaos Storm, there have been
few, if any major invasions. The Darshak and T’rools seem quiet and
content, for now, and few of the greymyr have been seen out of the
Northern Passes. There was a small invasion of Choco Vermine in the
eastern fields, a few days ago, but other than that, it has been fairly
peaceful for the citzens of Puddleby. That is, if not taking into
consideration the movements of the undine. Everyday it seems that
powerful undine spawn within the undine hut, and the spawns grow more
frequent and dangerous. Today was no exception.
As I was relaxing in town today, I heard a cry for
help in the undine hut, via the sunstone, and found myself rushing
there right away. What awaited me within the undine hut was a small
army of corpse warriors. Luckily for me, many fine fighters and healers
were present, and the undine were dispatched with little difficulty.
After the hut had been cleared out, a few brave fighters proposed to
scout the undine cave; they quickly descended the ladder and disapeared
in seconds. Their resounding screams only moments later told us that
their was a great evil within the cavern.
What “evil” lay within the cavern came in the form
of an army of Skeletals. I counted at least a hundred Skeletals and
Giant Skeletals before I gave up. The cavern was packed to the brim,
and I was felled in no time, and had to wait quite a while before a
rescue party large enough to handle this situation was assembled.
Nobody knows how or why the undine were present in the cavern; the
infamous witch-priestess Lilit was nowhere to be found. Exiles could
only shake their heads, and wonder what darkness had brought the
Skeletals there. By the time we were done, mountains of bones lay about
the cavern, and bands of exiles went about crushing the fallen bones so
that none would rise up again to form ghatly hordes Skeletals.
After the cave was cleared out, we realized that
many undine yet remained in the Dark Cavern. Exiles began to pour into
the crevice– a grave mistake. Hordes of Corpse Warriors and Skeletals
awaited within, along with Greater Wraiths and Wailing Spirits. All who
entered were felled, and those that attempted to rescue the fallen were
also masacred. Rescue attempt after rescue attempt failed, and the lot
of us were forced to depart; though a few stubborn exiles remained in
the Cavern, and were rescued, hours later, by Gurgi. Again we exiles
were made to feel the power of the undine. And I have a strange feeling
that this is only the beginning…