ELF Auction & Dun'ilsar
Posted on June 11, 2000 in UncategorizedDay 52, Year 538 of the Ascendancy
Dreadfully early on the 52nd day of Winter, a
crowd gathered in a small hut to the west of Puddleby. What drew these
exiles, like flies to a burning flame, was none other than E’las
Loth’mon Ferindril’s auction. It went off pretty normal as auctions go,
but people weren’t as generous as they normally were with donations.
Perhaps the exiles were all strapped for cash, but I’m rather under the
impression that they were just plain grouchy, as I was, that the
auction had to be held at three in the morning. Time passed slowly, and
eventually the auction was over, and the clan had made a little over
2800 coins. The auction was definately a learning experience, for many
items that traditionally held high values did not sell for much,
including spores, metal, and the elusive brambleberries.(Check out a Vision Stone of the auction)
I was a little disgruntled that my cigar had only
gone for fifty coins, and everybody was tired, but we could note rest
yet; our Dun’ilsar against the Order of the White Elephant(OWE) was
only twenty minutes away. We all assembled in the park, and found that
we were going to be hopelessly out numbered by OWE. We only had a total
of nine members: four fighters, 3 mystics, and only 2 healers. To make
matters worse, our heavy hitter Viper fell unconscious, and suddenly we
were the proverbial chicken with it’s head cut off; we were hopelessly
confused and unorganized. This was mainly due to the fact that our Clan
Lord Fleming was not present. Things looked bleak, but luckily, Viper
woke up in time for the contest. We all paddled our way reluctantly to
Dal’Noth Isle, to meet our competitors.
OWE had been waiting for some time now on the
cursed isle, but they greeted us cordially, and a brief review of the
rules was made. Then came something we had not counted on: OWE and ELF
were to wind themselves up to the Dal’Noth Town, to sew the fallens for
the rescue safely. This gave us time for more of our healers to arrive,
and by the start of the challenge, our numbers had increased greatly.
Both clans boarded their boats, and stood before the beach of Dal’Noth
Isle. Fuzz of The People gave the count down: “On your marks. 3, 2, 1,
GO!” and we were off.
I quickly hopped off my boat, and made my way to
Dal’Noth Town. I met little opposition, except for the occaisional
Dal’Noth, and I was at the Town in no time. However, upon reaching the
town, members of OWE swiftly ran past me with their fallen. I quickly
ran into town to see how our fallen were doing, and to my dismay, they
had not even been raised yet! Our healers quickly saw to it that they
were back on their feet, and the desperate race for town was begun.
Charlos of OWE had reached the altar in town in no time, and things
looked hopeless for us. However, the other fallen member of OWE fell on
the way to his boat, and members of ELF blocked one of the narrow
passage on Dal’Noth to prevent his passage. That sealed the fate of
OWE; our two fallen, Entil’Zha and Zephyr, were able to make it to the
altar in no time. We had defended our title as Dun’ilsar! Tav’riel
Ferindril! For the glory of all clans!