Nostalgic Chaos

Posted on April 2, 2005 in Uncategorized

The last Chaos Storm seems to have been more chaotic than usual. When I stepped out of the library after the Storm had passed, I found that town had reverted to how it had been more than two decades ago! I also found that I had been stripped of my profession and nearly all my items, and I seemed to have gained a little weight.
As other exiles began stepping out of the library(or where the library had been, before the Storm), they too learned of the changes that had taken place, and their reactions ranged from anger to bemusement. Polerand took full blame for the situation.

Once we got over the initial shock, we began to explore our Brave New(Old) World. I started by giving Master Fistus in North Farms a visit, and signing up as a fighter, since mystics no longer existed.
Afterwards, I teamed up with Axis and Hawkthorn(who chose the profession of the healer), and we did some hunting in Mid Pass. After we were slaughtered by the wendies, we decided to explore the Mirror and S Forest, which led to the desert and other locales.
Before long though, I had explored the whole of this changed world, and I found myself feeling a little claustraphobic at the tininess of the lands and wishing that the world would return to normal soon. Not that it wasn’t fun while it lasted…
Ayella, eat your heart out!

One Response to “Nostalgic Chaos”

  1. Ayella says:

    I’m hotter than you still. Sorry to burst your bubble.
    You DO have very girly legs though…

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