Meph Wins Grand Prize

Posted on March 13, 2005 in Uncategorized

After many moons of deliberations, the judges of the Better Homes and Treehouses Competition have selected their winner: The Pimping Pad of the Zo Mephisto! Our Clan Lord Fleming met with Mephisto in the lands today, and personally handed him his winnings of 10,000 coins. Mephisto thanked us for the contest, and informed us that the winnings will go towards a Used Furniture Store that he is working on. Congratulations Meph!
Also deserving of congratulations is Tara, who’s Lizard Lounge was selected as the runner-up in the contest. For a look at all of the finalists’ houses, with commentary from each of the judges, see the House Contest Scrolls. You can also find visionstones there of all the houses that were submitted to the contest.

2 Responses to “Meph Wins Grand Prize”

  1. Lundar says:

    Oops, should be fixed now.

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