Orga Invasion

Posted on December 12, 2004 in Uncategorized

As I sat in town composing this moon’s minutes, I got caught in the middle of one of the largest orga invasions I’ve seen in a while.
It began with the sighting of orga around the edges of town. Soon, a number of orga began making forrays into TC itself. The first few were easily dispatched, but the number of orga kept growing until there were more than 50 orga in town, accompanied by about 30 shamen and a pack of DV. The invasion was in full force.
There were no BROs or any of the tougher orga in the invasion, but the orga gained ground through their sheer numbers. Gradually, we were able to push them out to the East Field, where the rest of their force lay waiting. We had to cut our way through LDV and lightning throwing warlocks before we were finally able to destroy the invasion force.
This was first orga invasion in many moons, and a good reminder that the orga are not going to just sit and wait as we press deeper into their territory.

2 Responses to “Orga Invasion”

  1. TreeBeard says:

    actually after you left, a bunch of warlocks and hatreds and LDV came to join the invasion, and a few drakes were spotted in east field.. that invasion definitely took its toll!

  2. Sunblaze says:

    Drakes! When, where? Give me the details. O.O
    I can’t believe I missed it. 🙁

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