Ayella Returns!

Posted on December 14, 2004 in Uncategorized

Ezail and I managed to dig Ayella out from under a pile of books in the library today, and once we dusted her off and cleared out all the cobwebs, we took her to see the Tree along with Ailidh and Siobhan.

Afterwards, Ayella and Ezail decided to move out of Puddleby Hollows, and purchased a new treehouse in Arbordale. However, the sneaky Ayella ran off before we began moving the furniture. Luckily, Treebeard and Marko soon showed up to help with the move.
Once we’d carried all of the furniture to the treehouse, Ezail ordered Marko to decorate the new home as he saw fit. Despite some initial grumbling, Marko did a great job in placing all the furniture (perhaps he should be put in charge of decorating the clan house next?).
Congratulations to Ezail on her new home, and welcome back Ayella!

7 Responses to “Ayella Returns!”

  1. Marko says:

    Ezail really is entirely too bossy.
    Yay, welcome back yella!

  2. Veq says:

    Welcome back Ayella’shin.
    Maybe we can rent out Marko’s decorating services at the Auction! 😉

  3. Ayella says:

    I never would have been able to escape from those man-eating books without Lundar!! Yay for Lundar. :o)

  4. Xepel says:

    Someone should dig me out next. I think my instruments are rotting. 😛

  5. Afton says:

    I was wondering what that smell was…your instrument!

  6. Ezail says:

    Well, if you didn’t want to… You coulda just said no, Marko 😉

  7. Rincewind says:

    Marko’s Interior Decorators are the best! After hearing of his talents, i sought out his expert advice on styling my humble abode, and it looks truely wondrous now!

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