Coin Whoring 101

Posted on November 24, 2004 in Uncategorized

Ailidh and I learned the ancient art of Coin Whoring today, when we attended a free coin hunting class provided by the University of Puddleby. The class was taught by Maeght, and began with a short lecture in the classroom where he explained to us some of the basics of coin hunting.
After the lecture, we got to put our knowledge to test in the real world, going on a whirlwind coin hunting field trip around the isle. We started off with NWF, which was unusually empty, save for herpatids which kept menacing our party. Then we moved onto the Myrm Highlands and KB, which was good hunting.
The party headed next to the vermine tree, but unfortunately I passed out along the way, and didn’t wake up until much later. Perhaps Ailidh can fill in on how the rest of the hunting went. The class was very fun, and even enlightening(though not for my purse, which gained 53 coins), and I am considering looking into increasing my Skea training in the near future.

2 Responses to “Coin Whoring 101”

  1. Kazik says:

    ! Will there be another lesson?
    sounds like a lot of fun, and a lot of learning 🙂

  2. Ailidh says:

    After Lundar passed out, and he fell, and then I fell, trying to stop him from falling, and he was dragged into a safe tree, we went to the vermine tree.
    Unfortunately for us, the vermine tree was quite empty, even of the small vermine type we all know and hate ! : )
    At this point some had to go to town anyway, so we left it at that.
    Lundar’skar did not put enough emphasis on the theory part ! It was really inspirational and interesting. Sadly we did not get to put the theory to that much use given the make-up of our class ; )
    however, tan’ki to this class, I was inspired to start training Skea Brightfur , which I now have 2 ranks of : )

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