Sylvan Mystic Invasion

Posted on June 7, 2004 in Uncategorized

Today, mystics took over Puddleby. Not just any old mystics, either– there were no less than 8 sylvan mystics in town, and for a few minutes we had total control of town center. The only non-mystic anywhere near town was Fel Gabriel, Phiros’ son.
Unfortunately, fighters and healers soon began returning to Puddleby, and Ezail and Phiros had to leave, reducing our number to six. It was then, however, that Zaerion came up with the bright idea of organizing us into a pyramid, and putting on a mystic light show.

Below are some sketches of the sillines:


Boosting fun
More boosting silliness
Fun with phantasms

One Response to “Sylvan Mystic Invasion”

  1. Ezail says:

    Well, at least everyone had fun!

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