Poppy Invasion

Posted on June 9, 2004 in Uncategorized

Today Puddleby was invaded and conquered– not by the Orga, or the T’rools, or the Darshak, but by a veritable bouquet of innocuous looking black flowers. The flowers, known as Deadly Poppies, have the nasty habit of knocking unsuspecting exiles unconscious, and today they blanketed the whole of town, like a sinister meadow.
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Usually these poppies only spring up from the body of a long dead corpse, but today they were sprouting from the feet of the Fen healer Tigger, creeping out from the earth wherever he stepped. Soon, the entire town was covered in poppies, and those of us in town were forced to bugger off until the flowers died down. I don’t know what Tigger’s been stepping in, but I do hope he washes his feet off next time, before he causes another crisis.

One Response to “Poppy Invasion”

  1. Tigger says:

    I had nothing to do with it! Grr!

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