Posted on April 23, 2002 in UncategorizedDay 318, Year 545
A full moon rose above the skies of Puddleby last night, and that meant that it was time for another Full Moon Orga Camp Raid. On this raid it was decided that the Mystic Salandra would try to make an attempt for the teleportation stone that appears once every full moon, in the depths of the Orga Camp. Unfortunately, our party was unable to make it far enough into the Orga Camp for Salandra to make her attempt for the stone.
The problem with the raid was that we could not recruit enough healers for the party. As a result, we couldn’t form stable rods, and were forced to retreat. Twice, the party retreated all the way back to OC1 to gather more reinforcements, but even with the added help, it wasn’t enough. In the end it was all that we could do to chain out all of the fallen exiles, and leave the Orga Camp with the stone untaken.
The failure was disapointing for everyone involved, but the raid was still a valuable learning experience. Hopefully we will have better luck next moon, when Zorton attempts to go for the stone.