Failed FMOCR

Posted on July 3, 2001 in Uncategorized

Day 194, Year 542 of the Ascendancy

The full moon hung clearly in the early morning sky of the 14th Day of
Summer, and that meant that it was time for another assault on Orga
Camp! Few exiles were awake at the early hour that the raid was begun,
but the OC raid party had secured itslef OC2 in no time. We gradually
worked our way into OC3, luring out the Orga Warlocks and killing the
bigger Orga, and after an hour or so we were able to take OC3. We then
began the arduous task of drawing ‘locks out of OC4. For nearly 8 hours
we sat in OC3, trying to draw orga from OC4, while killing off the
respawns in OC3. Several times we tried setting up healer rods in OC4,
but these just ended in failures.

Finally, around noon, the Orga Magician appeared,
and it was then decided that we should retreat, and gather
reinforcements. Then, another attempt was made on OC4. However, it was
to no avail. We only succeeded in losing more of our party in OC4. When
finally midnight came, lightning shot forth from OC4, killing off all
the orga in Orga Camp, and the OC party was able at least to rescue
their fallen comrades. Thus, the full moon OC raid was a failure, but
at least no one was forced to depart. The orga seem to be gaining more
power as of late, and it may be because we have not succeeded in a full
moon raid for a while. Perhaps when next the moon is full, we will have
better luck.

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