Sombdi, day 9 of Summer, 576
I just wanted write a quick note to congratulate Math, who was advanced to the station of Full Mystic today. Congratulations Ma’ta Math, on the well deserved and long awaited promotion!

An exercise in patience
Sombdi, day 9 of Summer, 576
I just wanted write a quick note to congratulate Math, who was advanced to the station of Full Mystic today. Congratulations Ma’ta Math, on the well deserved and long awaited promotion!
An exercise in patience
Soldi, day 52 of Summer, 569
It’s not often you see more than a few Mystics outside of the library, but today there were a quite few of my fellow Guild members out and about. We took the opportunity to take care of some business (including helping to restore K’vynn’s title), as well as get a few sketches of us dressed in full regalia.
Mystic photo op
Today, the Journeyman Ansset advanced to the station of Full Mystic, and I was fortunate enough to take part in his promotion ceremony. Beer was provided for by Zorton and the generous Attila, and Ansset proceeded to have his first fall as a Full Mystic.
Some Darshak tried to disrupt the ceremony and run off with the beer, but luckily Michael was on hand to quickly dispatch the intruders. Congratulations to Ansset, on his much deserved promotion!