Posts Tagged ‘exploration’

Gradi, day 48 of Autumn, 576

A lot of things have changed in the lands while I’ve been hidden in the library, and I’ve been having fun exploring once familiar places which have grown and changed with time. There also seem to be new developments afoot. For example, I’ve been noticing a number of strange acolytes wandering around, conducting strange experiments. Who knows what they’re up to, but it will be fun trying to get to the bottom of this.

Cavern exploring

Cavern exploring

Mysterious Figures

Mysterious Figures

Sombdi, day 50 of Spring, 576

I had the opportunity of of exploring Sul’ran today for the first time today, tagging along on a small exploration party led by Super Chicken. I’d always thought of Super Chicken as a pretty silly character, so I was surprised to see how strong he’s grown over the years. He pretty much soloed the entire island by himself, with some healing help from Soul Hunter and Bakers Man. Sativa and I mainly tried to stay out of the way.

It took us a few hours to piece together the steps necessary to get the gateway open, but we were eventually able to enter and explore the ruined temple, and chat with some of the deranged natives. We didn’t stay for too long, but it was nice to finally be able to get a closer look at the temple that I discovered more than two decades ago, along with Ramandu and Ayella.

A being of pure energy

A being of pure energy

Outside the ruined temple

Outside the ruined temple

A familiar sight

A familiar sight