Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

There were a lot of random ELFs in town today, and the elusive aqua-bard Xepel entertained us all with his wonderful music. Also, Vequalir surprised us all by passing the 7th circle healer test! Quite an achievement! He showed up in town soon after, wearing his new lavender healer shirt. We all agreed that it was too bright.

Some Random ELFs
Surprise Announcement
Veq’s new duds

Today, the Journeyman Ansset advanced to the station of Full Mystic, and I was fortunate enough to take part in his promotion ceremony. Beer was provided for by Zorton and the generous Attila, and Ansset proceeded to have his first fall as a Full Mystic.
Some Darshak tried to disrupt the ceremony and run off with the beer, but luckily Michael was on hand to quickly dispatch the intruders. Congratulations to Ansset, on his much deserved promotion!

With the exchange of a chain and the playing of a song, the Armor Deal was completed today. More than 40 exiles showed up to Melabrion’s conference room to witness the historic event, and the brothers Melabrion and Sombrion were present to accept the final items of the trade. Beer was provided for by a friendly Sarir.
The highlight of the event was of course the drinking song that Phineas has spent many moons working on. Phineas performed three songs that he wrote for the occaision(lyrics can be found here), with the help of the two mystic bards Sutai and Ansset. The reception from Melabrion was very positive(he consumed about 20 beers during the performance), and he handed out the promised armor at the conclusion of the song.
Following the trade, the items were taken back to smithy for analysis. Exiles now have the ability to forge breastplates, shields, and helms of iron and bronze. It is not known exactly what these items do, but it is believed that they add a small detha bonus. It takes a good number of ingots to forge some of the larger pieces of armor though, and I expect prices for these metals to skyrocket in the near future.

As everyone knows by now, the famed artist and veteran exile Sor is leaving the lands. Sor has contributed heavily to the Puddleby community over the past two decades, and his fine artwork has done more to define the look of our islands than any other artist. He was a compulsive gambler, and I will miss the many nights I spent sitting with him at the card tables of the Golden Butterfly, cursing Jack Vintian’s name.
Today, as a going away ceremony of sorts, Sor held an enormous auction for the items he’d collected over the years. Many of the finest items from Sor’s treasure hoard were auctioned off, and were sold for astounding prices. Some of the items that fetched high prices were EP Portal Stones, Catsbane Necklaces, and a Pass Key, which went for a whopping 80,000 coins.
As for myself, I had saved up some money for the auction, and managed to snag a lump of Tin Ore and a Skein of Silk.


The last Chaos Storm seems to have been more chaotic than usual. When I stepped out of the library after the Storm had passed, I found that town had reverted to how it had been more than two decades ago! I also found that I had been stripped of my profession and nearly all my items, and I seemed to have gained a little weight.
As other exiles began stepping out of the library(or where the library had been, before the Storm), they too learned of the changes that had taken place, and their reactions ranged from anger to bemusement. Polerand took full blame for the situation.


Today the Journeymen Muwe and Richard encountered a most singular creature to the north of the Orchard. The creature was called a Pog, and it bore a striking resemblance to a male human, though it was hostile, and did not speak.
With some help, the pair managed to lead the Pog to the Prison in Puddleby. There, the two tried to interrogate the creature, but the Pog made no response whatsoever.


After many moons of deliberations, the judges of the Better Homes and Treehouses Competition have selected their winner: The Pimping Pad of the Zo Mephisto! Our Clan Lord Fleming met with Mephisto in the lands today, and personally handed him his winnings of 10,000 coins. Mephisto thanked us for the contest, and informed us that the winnings will go towards a Used Furniture Store that he is working on. Congratulations Meph!
Also deserving of congratulations is Tara, who’s Lizard Lounge was selected as the runner-up in the contest. For a look at all of the finalists’ houses, with commentary from each of the judges, see the House Contest Scrolls. You can also find visionstones there of all the houses that were submitted to the contest.

It was quite an eventful day today. It started off with a meeting in the newly rennovated Clan House, followed by a chaotic hunt on Dal’Noth Isle(which I’m sure we’ll read about later in the minutes).
Afterwards, I headed to Puddleby Hollows to teach a class on Mystic teleportation. The attendance for the class was good, and I hope everyone was able to learn something from it. Following the lecture, Harper offered me a position as the Director of Mystical Studies at the University of Puddleby. I happily accepted, and hope to contribute the the University in my new position!

After that, I headed to the Orga Camp for an FMOCR to replace the teleportation stone I broke two days ago. We had quite an impressive party, thanks in large part to Kazik’s recruitment efforts, and we were easily able to make our way through the four Orga camps, though we did have some trouble getting back out.
After the successful raid, I returned to town, and was able to obtain two butterfly trophies for the Clan House, with the help of Sio’s half-sister Contstance. Finally, as I was sitting in town, Ansset surprised me with the gift of a Tor Shell, which we took to Hendrux, and he fortunately accepted. Now I have a Gitor in the making– I just need to write some music for it!
It was quite an eventful day today, and I’m grateful to all the wonderful people who were a part of it.

I’ve begun teaching some classes at the University of Puddleby, and its been pretty fun. Last moon I taught an introductory course on phantasms, and took the class on a field trip to Umbrion’s Keep, and just today I taught a class on the history of Dal’Noth Isle.
I think the University of Puddleby is a really great organization, and it’s fun to be able to pass on some of my knowledge to other exiles. This upcomming Sunday I will be teaching another class, this time on teleportation, at 7pm PST. If you want to learn more about this mystic art, I encourage you to attend. I promise it will be informative!

Today I got to participate in a bard audition in which the journeyman mystic Ansset auditioned for the position of bard quester. After a brief introduction, Ansset played five wonderful casserole pieces for us. My personal favorite was his first song, which was entitled “The Young Rockodiles’ Wedding March”.
After Ansset finished performing his pieces, the assembled bards gathered in the Bard Tower to discuss his performance. After some deliberation, Ansset was accepted into the Bard’s Guild as quester! F’nom grudos Ansset!