Archive for the ‘Uncategorized’ Category

Terrdi, day 46 of Spring, 574

Today I took a break from my lengthy stay in the library to find that there no longer was a library.

A rude awakening

A rude awakening

Apparently the last Chaos Storm caused the loose rubble that Hawkthorn and Raldin dug up all those years ago to collapse, pretty much destroying the Mystic Academy. I managed to clamber over the wreckage to stable ground, and found a worker frantically trying to clear away the rubble. Of course, he didn’t seem to have any shovels, wheelbarrows, or any other tools to help with the job, so this could take a while.

Afterwards, I tagged along on an exploration party to Ash Island, led by Stinkfist. I learned that the Darshak have been increasing their activity as of late, and that new parts of their Island had been discovered. It was exciting exploring around once familiar ground, but unfortunately, the trip didn’t end too well.

The lazy barman refused to serve us drinks.

The lazy barman refused to serve us drinks.

Down for the count.

Down for the count.

Fordi, day 9 of Autumn, 569

I’ve always been a little wary about Ethereal training, especially since it requires a sizable investment to master the art, but with the recent activity on the Ethereal Plane, I decided today that I should at least learn the fundamentals. Problem is that the first Ethereal trainer is located in Umbrion’s Keep, on the southern end of Kizmia’s Isle, not somewhere I can just stroll into.

Somehow I managed to convince my clanmates Lafiadem and Myiasis, along with the healer Brahtz, to tag along with me and try to storm the keep. The idea was to survive long enough to get to the trainer, then teleport out using my strange looking stone. We were grossly over-matched, though, and ended up failing several times. I racked up 3 departs while attempting the Keep, pushing me to a new milestone with Master Departus.

Master Departus Purgatory

"Your spirit has departed your body 200 times."

Finally, we enlisted the help of some heavy hitters such as Daimoth and Sala Dragon, who made getting through Umbrion’s Keep a breeze. I was finally able to speak with the mistress Leladar, and begin my training. Thanks to everyone who helped me get to the trainer– now I just need to make up for all the departs I racked up!

Soldi, day 52 of Summer, 569

It’s not often you see more than a few Mystics outside of the library, but today there were a quite few of my fellow Guild members out and about. We took the opportunity to take care of some business (including helping to restore K’vynn’s title), as well as get a few sketches of us dressed in full regalia.

K'vynn Promotion

Mystic photo op


on October 6, 2007 in Uncategorized No Comments »

Sombdi, day 5 of Summer, 568

Thoomish has long been the language of traders and scholars, and I’ve always wanted to learn it, so I was pleased to hear from my teacher Par Troon today that I’d mastered his lessons. I can now speak the language of the Thoom fairly fluently, though I do still stumble on hitting some of the deeper notes. It’s definitely quite a departure from Illsardinish, although there are a few similarities. I can’t wait to crack open some Thoomish mystic texts that I’ve been wanting to read. Thoom!



Day 9 of Autumn, 567

Some Chaos Storms are more chaotic than others, and the latest Storm (v505) seems to have been rougher than usual. As soon as the Storm passed, a few of us started poking around to see if it had brought anything new, only to find that the Storm had blown all the locks off the Guild Halls! For a brief period of time, I had access to the fighter and healer halls. While the doormen were frantically running around to fix things, I was able to sneak in and take a look around the other Guild Halls for the first time, as well as the fighter and healer pubs.

Confused doorman

Confused doorman

No training for us, unfortunately

No training for us, unfortunately

Visiting the Menagerie

Visiting the Menagerie

Fortunately, the Mystic Guild Hall uses tougher locks than the other Guilds, so outsiders were only able to gain access to the Apprentice wing, but none of the other rooms. The locks were fixed fairly quickly, and order was restored, but it was fun to poke around the other Guilds while it lasted.

Vequalir: “shoot.. need to afk for about 2 min”
Fleming: “Should be safe here.”
1 minute later…
Fleming was right in a way. Vequalir never fell the entire time. (Also note our newest hopeful, Llwenyen).

Last moon, instead of having a meeting, we visited the portal leading to the Boardwalk that appears in Puddleby roughly every four years. In addition to the usual games and facepaints, there was a stable for snail races and a new game called Spider Splat, which was amazingly addicting. With the help of Kani and Usagi, I was able to set a new record with a score of 24,514. Unfortunately, I barely had time to brag about it, before I was beaten out by another spider slayer. Oh well, at least it was fun while it lasted.

Apparently the rumors of Ayella’s death have been greatly exaggerated. She popped up the other day while I was sitting in town, and played us a few tunes on her harp, before quickly disappearing back into the library.

Neko no Kessha sponsored the “Very Important Agatis” Dun’ilsar challenge today, and ELF put on a good showing. For the contest, each clan had to choose an Agratis to keep them alive in the Badlands, while trying to take down the other clans’ Agratis. The last Agratis standing would be the winner.
Four clanmembers showed up for the contest: Fleming, Kor’gah, Yazza, and myself. It was decided that I would play the role of the Agratis, with Kor’gah and Yazza serving as envoys, and Fleming working to kill the opposing teams’ Agratis. For our strategy, we decided to just hide out behind a large pile of rocks that Fleming had discovered earlier, and this strategy ended up working surprisingly well.

By lying silent, I was able to hide behind the rocks undiscovered for most of the contest, even when other exiles passed through the snell. However, hiding became much more difficult as more and more of the other Agratis were eliminated, and I was finally found by the pesky pirate Relkin, who used his ranger powers to outrun me and take me down.
At the close of the contest, we ended up coming in 4th out of nine clans, behind WoD(who won the contest with a single Agratis!), NnK, and the House of Swech. It was a very exciting contest, and I hope that the others who participated will share their accounts as well.
(I made a visionstone of the contest, but it’s rather dull as I just spend the whole time hiding, but if you want to watch it, you can download it here)

Yesterday I participated in the tail end of MaryJane’s Mystic Cloud Event, along with Vequalir, Yazza, and Kor’gah. When I arrived, people were trying to get the Dark Cloud back over Sfoft’s Peak, where a number of exiles were fallen.
Moving the Cloud turned out to be harder than I expected though, and even with the guidance of Apprender(who is familiar with the runic script of the Cloud control room), it took many frustrating hours before we could get the Cloud back over the Peak.

We did eventually manage to get the Cloud in place, however, and rescue those fallen at Sfoft’s. I even managed to get a mark on Sfoft’s Peak, thanks to a teleportation stone given to me by Ansset, so next time I should be able to reach the Peak without having to go through that whole ordeal.
Afterwards, we walked the green portal back to the Mirror, so a few more exiles could get access to the cloud, before moving it back to Falinea’s temple. All in all it was quite an event, and I think I’m starting to get the hang of Cloud driving.

Smooshed on the Cloud
Peering over the edge
Surviving the fall!