Broken Locks
Posted on August 2, 2007 in UncategorizedDay 9 of Autumn, 567
Some Chaos Storms are more chaotic than others, and the latest Storm (v505) seems to have been rougher than usual. As soon as the Storm passed, a few of us started poking around to see if it had brought anything new, only to find that the Storm had blown all the locks off the Guild Halls! For a brief period of time, I had access to the fighter and healer halls. While the doormen were frantically running around to fix things, I was able to sneak in and take a look around the other Guild Halls for the first time, as well as the fighter and healer pubs.

Confused doorman

No training for us, unfortunately

Visiting the Menagerie
Fortunately, the Mystic Guild Hall uses tougher locks than the other Guilds, so outsiders were only able to gain access to the Apprentice wing, but none of the other rooms. The locks were fixed fairly quickly, and order was restored, but it was fun to poke around the other Guilds while it lasted.