Rebel Invasion

Posted on September 24, 2004 in Uncategorized

I was expecting to attend a barding class taught by Coriakin today, but I ended up being caught up in an invasion instead. The moment I stepped out of the library I was surrounded by a group of rebel soldiers, and was felled before I knew what was happening.
It seems that General Issimo of Tenebrions’s Island launched an attack on Puddleby in retaliation for Phineas claiming TI for his own. Now there are countless rebel troops in Puddleby, and the town is completely overrun. The surviving exiles have been holed up in the Temple and the Healer’s Hall, trying to repulse the enemy.
So far there have been more than five waves of enemies, and their engineers have constructed walls around the town of Puddleby. Worse, the enemy soldiers are beginning to look for a way into the Puddleby underground. Where are all these soldiers coming from?? Someone help me!

2 Responses to “Rebel Invasion”

  1. Tirilis F'leaf says:

    It didn’t help that a few people sued him several times.

  2. Afton says:

    Hey…and if you look closely there’s Marko just below you! It seems you lasted longer than him.

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