Drake Migration

Posted on March 17, 2004 in Uncategorized

I’ve been hearing a lot of rumors about drakes invading Puddleby lately, and today I managed to catch sight of a number of drakes myself, running into a flock(?) of six drakes in East Field. Strangely enough, the drakes didn’t seem interested in attacking me at all, and instead flew straight past me into the marsh.
I tried following a couple of the drakes into the marsh, but quickly lost track of them. Some exiles were really curious as to where these drakes were headed, but my theory is that they’re simply migrating south for the winter. I’ve seen several flocks of geese flying south as well, and according to the POS, fire drakes are classified as a type of bird.
Still, it’s a bit curious why these drakes didn’t even bother to attack any exiles. Perhaps the drakes I encountered were simply scared off by my new paint job.

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