Leaving A Mark

Posted on January 4, 2004 in Uncategorized

Day 339, Year 552

I was stuck in the library for most of the day today, so I
unfortunately missed my clan’s monthly meeting. When I did finally step
out of the library, however, I was in for a bit of a treat.

Zorton asked me if I wanted to make a mark in the foothills,
since he and a number of exiles were headed that way to rescue Hepta,
fallen in the Orga Village. I happily agreed, and tagged along with the
party. Zorton ported us to the Foothills, and I got to make my first
mark with the tp stone, just oustide of Katpus’ cave.

Foothills Mark

After I got back to town, I learned that my clanmates were
fallen in Melabrion’s Mines. I quickly joined up with a rescue party,
and headed for the Mines. The rescue turned out to be a piece of cake,
thanks to Califas, Callus, Borton, Yor, and Kensington.

Lundar to the Rescue!
Lundar saves the day?

Afterwards, we returned to town, and I got to catch up with my
clanmates. I learned from them that my friend Anfyr was having
something of a personality crisis– she now goes by the names Ezail and
Drnnh. It was all a bit confusing, but I hope we can find a way to get
her back to normal soon.

The new Anfyr

All in all it was an unexpectedly eventful day.

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