Ominous Signs
Posted on February 8, 2003 in UncategorizedDay 68, Year 549
The wooden ransom note
A mysterious sign has popped up on the Docks of Puddleby, which has
some exiles scrambling and others skeptical. The sign, apparently
written by one Kiril Drakesblood, demands a tribute of 500,000 coppers
by the 10th Day of Spring, “or else”.
The most commonly held belief is that the sign was posted by
some new Darshak Warlord, but I wouldn’t be too certain– this could be
something else entirely. One thing I *can* be sure of is that no exile
is going to scrounge up 500,000 coins for anyone, be they Darshak
pirate or the Mad Emperor himself.
Looks like something big is going to happen this upcomming Merdi(OOC: Sunday the 16th).