Kiril Transcripts

Posted on February 18, 2003 in Uncategorized

Day 111, Year 549

I’ve uploaded a few more transcripts of conversations with Kiril Drakesblood:

Tigger yells, “Kiril…your shaks down are are saying naughty things about you, you should KILL them!”
Kiril Drakesblood exclaims, “What?!”
Tigger says, “It’s true.”
Tigger asks, “You guys all heard right?”
Kiril Drakesblood asks, “Which of you did that?”
Tigger exclaims, “That guy RIGHT THERE!”
(Sensi giggles)
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Then they will die.”
Lundar says, “If yi push us west, we’ll tell yi where Polerand lives”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “That hardly matters now.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Once I control town I’ll be able to open the vault anytime.”
Tigger says, “And that swarthy fellow over there said you play poker with Ankrus on the weekends.”
Kiril Drakesblood asks, “Who be that?”
Tigger says, “One of our elders.”
Tigger says, “A human, no less.”
Tigger says, “I mean you should be insulted.”
Kiril Drakesblood asks, “An elder? Does he have coins then?”
Tigger says, “And that guy wearing the olive said he’s gonna cut yer throat and keep the 50k himself.”
Tigger says, “And uh this rat here sqeaked at you, you should lop its little head off right now.”
(Kiril Drakesblood laughs.)
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Ye should learn something, me lads.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “And lasses.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “The smaller a lie, the more believable.”
Lundar says, “That rats pretty small”
(Kiril Drakesblood grins.)

Kiril Drakesblood starts dragging you.
Lundar says, “erm”
(Topaz tries to bite through the chain)
Tigger exclaims, “Git yer filthy mitts off me Drakeblood!”
Lundar says, “hostages”
Sensi says, “hmm. wonder what she’s up to”
Tara yells, “no muffin wuv for you !”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “I’ve been warned about yer muffins.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Ye didn’t want ta be me subjects.”
Kiril Drakesblood exclaims, “Now we see if ye’ll serve as me wall!”

Sensi says, “what if we did pay”
Tigger says, “Yeah we’ll pay you uh…next week.”
(Indigo glares coldly.)
Indigo says, “the people will not bow to this bribery.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “I knew ye’d never pay me ransom.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Although I did hear o’ one group considerin’ it…”
(Kiril Drakesblood smiles thinly.)
Tigger says, “pfft…the mistix.”
Tigger says, “Mistix are trained in deception, even we know that.”

Mjollnir says, “we wont be rescued until they come to reclaim east town”
Mjollnir says, “and when they do that they’ll wipe the floor with your troops”
Mjollnir says, “hell you outnumber us 5 to one and you still cant beat us”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Better ta die in honor than ta grovel.”
Mjollnir asks, “who’se grovaling?”
Indigo says, “I think she speaks for herself.”

Mjollnir says, “you’re getting lax kiril and letting the rats in”
Mjollnir says, “rat”
Mjollnir says, “go on Kiril fetch”
(Kiril Drakesblood spits at the rat.)

Indigo says, “Kiril… perhaps if you told us something very useful, we would call off our friends.”
Kiril Drakesblood yells, “Curses on Necro! Never trust anyone whose feet don’t touch the ground!”
Indigo says, “You know they will come for you and end this.”
Amberdrake says, “you know we’ll never lose”
Kiril Drakesblood asks, “Ye think they will, eh?”
Kiril Drakesblood asks, “And what choice do I have?”
Mjollnir says, “you could pack up and go home no more said”
Kiril Drakesblood exclaims, “Har!”
Kiril Drakesblood exclaims, “A cowards suggestion!”
Indigo says, “I have a few thousand coins to offer.”
Indigo says, “If you tell us where and how we can make explosives.”
Indigo says, “You could disappear. You are cunning that way.”
(Indigo tries to look sincere.)
Tigger says, “Your choice Kiril, just don’t expect any mercy when the time comes.”
Indigo says, “yei.”
Mjollnir says, “first we’ll destroy your army then we’ll destroy you”
Kiril Drakesblood asks, “Ye all talk big, but ye see how long ittakes fer yer townsfolk ta come help yes?”
Indigo says, “They are nai fools. You led them into a deathtrap once already.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “I’ll not take that cowardly way.”

Leinis yells, “its dragging me!”
Kiril Drakesblood yells, “Well done, me lad.”
Mjollnir says, “you and Necro get big thrills out of dragging off fallens dont you? you two are exactly the same”
(Kiril Drakesblood growls.)
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Necro is a foul creature. I have honor.”
Mjollnir asks, “Honor?”
Indigo says, “You have naithing.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “More than ye’ll ever have, landlubber scum.”

Kiril Drakesblood yells, “Now! Attack!”
Ebonheart says, “Ambush…”
Tonoto yells, “damn it”
(Kiril Drakesblood laughs in delight.)
(Merlisk sighs)
Tonoto yells, “next time chain”

The Necromancer points at Naferu and makes a strange gesture.
Indigo says, “Necro…. take Kiril and go home.”
(Kiril Drakesblood laughs mirthlessly.)
Kiril Drakesblood asks, “You cannot even tell a simple necromancer from Necro?”
Mjollnir says, “any real commander wouldnt have had to stoop to using undead soldiers”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “You are right. I should never have trusted Necro.”

Kintok says, “Wow… I did quite poorly…”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Ah, thank you for coming to add to my wall.”
Kintok says, “My pleasure”

Ebonheart asks, “If yer not a coward Kiril, how come yer standing here and not fighting with yer troops?”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “My troops are here. Only the weak ones follow the trap.”
Indigo says, “Your troops are as foolish as you, Kiril.”

Kintok asks, “If I may ask…. How long have you had your eye on Puddleby, Kiril?”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “Quite a while, I have.”
Kiril Drakesblood says, “It was me best chance fer promotion.”

Oleandar yells, “Fallen here”
Elrod yells, “and here!”
(Kiril Drakesblood spits.)
A monster yells, “Gar, ye’re the finest, Cap’n Drakesblood!”
Kiril Drakesblood yells, “Arr!”
Kiril Drakesblood has not disclosed her race, is female, is a Fighter, and is not wearing the symbol of any clan.
She is holding a longsword, and she is wearing a beer keg, a shirt, a pair of pants and a pair of shoes.

Sensi says, “kiril was wrong.. help does come”
Kiril Drakesblood yells, “Arr!”
Malkor has fallen to Kiril Drakesblood.

Highlander says, “Smack her jade”
Tigger ponders, “nice Seph”
Olmy thinks, “We have her trapped south of auction house”
Lightbringer yells, “kill her muj!”
Phroon says, “DIE”
Olmy says, “Pack her in deep.”
Elenis Reyav says, “So she can’t pull”
(Sutai summons an incredible burst of purasuma magic to improve accuracy!)
Emer asks, “boosts anyone?”
Naferu says, “gonna need a buch”
Brimstar says, “I can hit”
Talin yells, “gooooo exiles!!!”
Phroon yells, “STOP HEALEING HER! :p”
Wedilen asks, “WHOS HEALIN HER?”
Callus exclaims, “[mumbling] Capture her!”
(Kiril Drakesblood smiles.)
Callus exclaims, “[gruffly] Capture her and bring her to justice $*$&!”
Naal asks, “WTF!?”
Angela yells, “be very careful cadders!!! kiril can be healed”
Talin yells, “kiiiiilllll herrrr”
Olmy says, “Okay Kir, pay us $500,000 and we’ll let you go….. NAH”
Elrod yells, “kill kill Kiril!!!!”
Indigo yells, “Death to Kiril and her minions!”

Twilth exclaims, “ha!”
Malkor exclaims, “Hah!”
Mac says, “heh”
Boris says, “yay”
Mujin-kun says, “yay”
Elise says, “She dead”
Tonoto yells, “OOOOOOGA!”
iTornade yells, “BEER !!”
Olmy thinks, “Kiril is dead!”
Liolel says, “shes dead”
Highlander says, “wee”
Mac yells, “Oooga”
Aldernon says, “sweet hroth”
Brimstar says, “Heh”
Rael the Squonk says, “uucool”
Elrod yells, “True Blue!”
Lightbringer yells, “WOOOOOOOOO!”
Phroon yells, “THOOOM! DEAD”
Neko yells, “score”
Callus exclaims, “[gruffly] Chain her!”
Twilth thinks, “Kiril is dead!”
Hrothgar yells, “ARR!”
Troy thinks, “Woooo!”
Polerand yells, “Clear out”
Benylin yells, “BEER !!!”
(Ayella cheers.)
Deebo says, “yay”
Wedilen says, “Could chain her”
Olmy yells, “Long live the exiles!”
(Indigo slumps to the ground.)
Naal thinks, “now what!?”
Twilth yells, “Hurrah!”
Dave yells, “B E E R!!”
Jade yells, “Hail Dorthy the wicked witch is sdead!”
Oleandar yells, “Yay!!”
Lightbringer thinks, “WE KILLED THAT BITCH!”
Yor yells, “Ooooga!!!”
Mjollnir yells, “For Puddleby and King Algy”
Reye yells, “nothing to see here… move along”
Talin yells, “yyyuuuuzzzzaaaa”
* You gain some experience.
Lundar ponders, “fog!”

[End transcript]

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