Snowy Dale Discovered on KI

Posted on November 20, 2002 in Uncategorized

Day 102, Year 548

The Snowy Dale
The newly discovered Snowy Dale

Today, shortly after the Chaos Storm, mystics all over the islands
sensed a current of cool air flowing through the isles. After a bit of
study, we were able to determine that this current was coming from
Kizmia’s Isle. We feared that this might be a prelude to another
Ethereal Storm, so I organized a small party to explore the waters
surrounding Kizmia’s Isle, to see what we could learn.

We eventually tracked down the source of the cool air to the
cove on the east side of Kizmia’s Island. With the help of the fighters
Michael and Madcat, and several healers, we were able to clear out the
cove and make our way to the small valley on the other side. Here, we
discovered a passage to a previously undiscovered portion of the isle.

The Dale Entrance
The entrance to the dale

I won’t give away too much here, but the newly discovered dale has
dozens of snowy creatures like Frost Giants and Snow Cougars, with an
assortment of various Lyfelidae. My prediction is that the Dale will be
a popular hunting ground for the next few weeks to come. Maybe we can
even get some snowy creatures in the Coliseum.

However, I do give this one warning to travelers and explorers
to the Dale: in the north-western corner of the Dale, there is a cave
entrance that leads to the Lyfelidae Caverns on Kizmia’s Isle. This
passage is apparently one-way, so going in is an almost certain depart,
unless you have a large army of exiles with you. Unfortunately, some of
us had to learn this the hard way…

Master Departus
Reaching a new milestone with Master Departus

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