To Dye For

Posted on June 11, 2002 in Uncategorized

Day 157, Year 546 of the Ascendancy

It’s been unusually quiet in the lands lately, and there isn’t a whole
lot to report. There was recently some kind of accident with dyes
though, and now there are exiles with clothes of all different hues. My
friend Hawkthorn even managed to get his helmet splattered in green
paint, which is something which his clan, the Dwarven Militia, has been lobbying for for ages.

In other news, I hear that Puddleby’s most watched couple Babajaga and Sleipnir are cementing their relationship in marriage. What’s more, everyone is invited!
The ceremony is to be held at 3 am on the 52nd day of Summer in the
Meadow, and promises to be an exciting and enchanting event.

I’d encourage anyone who can to attend. As
Sleipnir puts it, it will be a good opportunity to “rub elbows with
Puddleby’s upper crust,” whatever that means.

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