20 Questions

Posted on April 17, 2002 in Uncategorized
Day 294, Year 545 of the Ascendancy

Arr! Today I got the unique opportunity to help interrogate a Darshak
pirate. It all started when I decided to help out a rescue in the
Darshak Horde, on Ash Island. It turned out that in addition to the
normal Darshak found in the Horde, there were several “elite” Darshak
there as well. As a consequence, it took us quite a while to rescue the
fallens in the Horde, and I helped out where I could by dragging out
fallen exiles with my chain.

Once we had rescued everybody from the Horde, we
healed up just outside, and headed back in to take our revenge upon the
pirates. The battle was quite fierce, but in the end there was left
only a single Darshak Guard standing. The Darshak Guard was quite
powerful even for an elite Darshak, and he threw quite a few taunts at
us, but eventually he was dispatched as well. However, instead of
letting him slip into the clutches of death, Rel’lim quickly grabbed
him on his chain, so that we could interrogate him.

After a long round of questioning, we decided to
take the Darshak to the Dark Temple, and attempt to literally drag some
secrets out of him. Rel’lim dragged the Darshak Guard all around the
Temple, before finally taking him to the Pentagram room. This turned
out to be a mistake though, as several powerful undine spawned in the
Pentagram, felling most of our party. Rel’lim managed to escape though,
and wall himself up until a rescue party could arrive. Once we were
rescued, we took the pirate back to town, and questioned him some more,
before finally throwing him in prison.

Read a transcript of the interrogations here.

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