Following Qual's Clues
Posted on March 23, 2002 in UncategorizedDay 191, Year 545 of the Ascendancy
There have been many strange occurences and invasions that have been
taking place in Puddleby recently. For example, a few weeks ago strange
water spouts began to appear in the oceans surrounding our isle, along
with deadly Ethereal Stalkers. And just recently there was a major
Darshak invasion, that nearly overwhelmed town. But perhaps most
shocking of all is the recent T’rool invasion, in which the evil wizard
Qual was defeated through the use of the Separ. Yor has written a
detailed account of the victory on his scrolls.
Once the Separ was used to “cure” the wizard Qual,
it was revealed that the wizard was actually a sylvan who had been
possessed by the powerful Dark Bubbling. Once Qual regained his senses,
he informed us that the Dark Bubbling had escaped to ‘Noth island, and
was hiding within the cavernous passages underground:
Qual says, “the caves under noth are miles long” Qual says, “and most have never been seen by exiles” Qual says, “look for secret passages…” Qual says, “your mystics may be able to see them” Qual says, “go hunt the dark Bubbling”
Qual says, “there is a very well hidden magic door… but I warn |
Using the information that Qual gave us, a small party explored the
‘Noth underground today, in search of the hidden passages that Qual
spoke of. Our party traveled through the caves as far south as we
could, as per the instructions, but we didn’t find anything other than
a few dews and rippers. We then checked the northern parts of the
tunnels, stopping by the puzzling magic barrier, but again we were
unable to find anything.
We looked around for a while more, and even
re-checked the southern parts of the cavern for something we might have
missed, but we still couldn’t find a thing. In the end we left the
caverns without discovering any new passages, but we vowed to return
and search again. Hopefully the upcomming Chaos Storm will reveal that
which was hidden from us.