The Scarmis Pit

Posted on December 25, 2001 in Uncategorized

Day 191, Year 544 of the Ascendancy

The Darshak seem to be up to no good again. Ever since the last
scaramis invasion in town, there have been numerous sightings of
scaramis on Ash Island for some reason. At first, people just assumed
that the scaramis had swum there from Puddleby, or perhaps Kizmia’s
Isle. However, the adventurers Hrothgar and Stinkfist have been
exploring Ash Island as of late, and have noticed that there is
something in the air that isn’t quite right. Today the two asked me to
investigate the woodlands near the Dark Chamber, and to my surprise, I
discovered a mystic illusion. Beyond the illusion we were met by a most
startling sight– a pen filled with deadly scaramis, and night
wendeckas. We circled around the entire enclosure, but were unable to
find a way into the penned area.

Norm later joined us in our investigation, but he
could not find a way in either. We did manage to find a pf path on the
north side of the secluded area, after hours of searching, but it
turned out that it just led to the lake area of Ash Island. Obviously
the Darshak have been letting the scaramis out, so there must be some
way to do it. Hopefully we will be able to figure out the mystery of
these scaramis, before the Darshak unleash them upon our town.

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