Lugubrion's Keep Discovered

Posted on December 26, 2001 in Uncategorized

Day 193, Year 544 of the Ascendancy

It seems that the Scaramis Pen that Hrothgar and I discovered two days
ago might not be linked to the Darshak after all. Today, on a
relatively uneventful day following the Bawkmas holiday, Crius reported
that there was trouble in the Dark Chamber. Curious as to what the
trouble might be, I quickly rented myself a boat, and headed for the
Dark Chamber. However, when I landed on Ash Island, I noticed that
something was amiss. A strange odor hung in the air, and the island was
wracked by several small earthquakes. Suddenly, seemingly out of
nowhere, several Scaramis Foragers and Larvae appeared, and proceeded
to fell me in record time. A small rescue party soon arrived for me,
and after raising me back on my feet, we proceeded to explore the
Scaramis Pen area. The sight that greeted us was shocking.

At first, there were only a few Foragers within
the Pen, but soon more and more Scaramis appeared from out of the
ground, until the Pen was literally filled with Scaramis of different
hues. To make matters worse, the Scaramis dug a tunnel beneath the
thick walls of their pen, and proceeded to attack us. Luckily for us,
reinforcements soon arrived, and we were able to push the Scaramis
back. After clearing the Scaramis on the outside, we entered the Pen
through the tunnel, to discover another surprise: the Keep of the
magician Lugubrion! However, once inside the Pen, we found that we
could not get back outside. The only exits, we soon found, were the
sculls that lined the Pen, which led out into the Ethereal Plane.

However, this snell of the Ethereal was like no
other that we had encountered before. In the center of the snell was a
small formation of sculls, which lead back to Lugubrion’s Keep, and the
rest of the snell was filled with deadly creatures, such as a Scaramis
Queen and an Ethereal Force. Needless to say, we all fell in no time.
Since rescue seemed impossible, we were all forced to depart, creating
more than ten Ethereal Clouds in Purgatory. So ended our adventures in
the Scaramis Pen. However, the adventure still leaves some questions
unanswered. Do the Darshak know that Lugubrion has built a Keep on
their Island? Are they in league? And where exactly on the Ethereal
Plane did those sculls lead to? Still, these sculls may prove to be of
use to us in the future. They effectively serve as a two-way portal to
the Ethereal– with four entrances and exits! I look forward to our
next forray into the Scaramis Pen.

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