ELF Hunt in Sand & Snow

Posted on December 30, 2001 in Uncategorized

Day 212, Year 544 of the Ascendancy

Today, at the monthly meeting of E’las Loth’mon Ferindril, there was a
surprise in store for us. The sylvan warrior Harfoot had returned to
the lands, after being missing for more than ten years! We quickly
brought him up to speed on the events that had transpired since his
disapearance, and he told us a tale of how he and his brother fought
back orcs in his homeland. After the meeting, our clan headed for the
clan hut, and after filling out some of Gnaroon’s paperwork, Harfoot
rejoined the clan! We then proceeded to go hunting.

The first location that we chose to go hunting was
the snowy grove. However, the hunting proved to be a little scarce
there, and we left with only a few vermine skins in hand. We briefly
considered going to the Greymyr Village, but we decided against it,
because there might be too much people there. So intead, we chose to
leave Puddleby Island altogether, and hunt in the waters surrounding
Kizmia’s Isle. We soon found the hunting there to be rather scarse as
well, though it was an improvement over the snowy grove. Mostly, we
encountered a lot of GCP, with the occaisional Baltoise and Mega Mouth.
After circling around the east side of the isle, we decided to take a
small risk, and hunt on the western shore of Kizmia’s Isle. However,
this proved disappointing as well, as there wasn’t a single lifelidae
in sight. We paid a quick visit to the old witch Fat Alice, and cleared
out some Cave Cobras and spiders from her basement. We then headed for
the LSW Island.

The LSW Island, which is located in the northern
waters of Kizmia’s Isle, was crawling with the LSWs of it’s namesake. I
counted more than 11 Large Sand Wurms, as well a couple Deadly
Crawlers, which snapped at us angrily. We came up with a plan in which
I would try to attract the attention of most of the LSWs on the south
side of the isle, while the fighters entered from the north, with the
healers cadding the fighters. The plan worked pretty well at first, but
Large Sand Wurms are fickle creatures, and I could not hold their
attention for long. Soon, more and more LSWs drifted away from me, and
headed for the fighters on the north side. The LSWs managed to cut off
the fighters from their boats with their bulk, and gradually the
fighters were cut down, one by one, by the powerful Sand Wurms. The
healers tried healing the fallen fighters with their cads, and several
chain attempts were made, but when a sudden school of GCP spawned near
us, it left most of us fallen.

The lone survivor, Firebird, requested aid for the
fallen ELFs, and soon Entil’Zha arrived, and with her help we were
eventually all rescued. We then attempted to clear the LSW Island
again, and with Entil’s help we were successful. We ended the hunt by
finishing our circuit of the isle, and we were rewarded by several Mega
Mouths and Baltoise. There was one close call, when our group ran into
a huge school of GCP, but otherwise the rest of the hunt went pretty
smoothly. Hopefully our next hunt we will be able to do without getting
massacred, which has become something of an ELF tradition, in recent

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