Hunting in the Valley

Posted on June 14, 2001 in Uncategorized

Day 117, Year 542 of the Ascendancy

Well, I’ve been kind of slacking off on the entries lately, so I took
the time to upload a bunch of them today. Make sure yi check the archive
for the older stuff. Anyway, today I got to go hunting in the Valley,
which seems to have become everybody’s favorite hunting ground as of
late. There were mostly vultures, vipers, and boloks in the Valley, but
we did manage to take down a Angry Mother Sasquatch with some effort.
Afterwards, we decided to head to Kizmia’s Isle, and see if anything
was new.

On Kizmia’s Isle, we headed for the mysterious hut
on the west beach. Inside was filled with many bookshelves, with many
books spanning a vast number of topics, with many of the books written
in a strange tongue that we were unable to read. There was also a
staircase in the hut, which we decended to reach a stange basement,
filled with Stinging Beetles. We dispatched the beetles, and heard the
voice of a woman hollering. The voice identified itself only as Fat
Alice, and she mostly told us to go away. However, she did tell us that
if we saw Kizmia, we should bring her to her.

Heeding Alice’s orders, we decided to leave the
basement and the hut, after a bit more investigation. There seem to be
many interesting objects in the basement, which could be clues as to
who this “Fat Alice” is. At least now we know that Kizmia is a she. Now
all we have to do is find her. All this sounds like a mystery to me!

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