Ocarina Completed!

Posted on May 19, 2001 in Uncategorized

Day 16, Year 542 of the Ascendancy

Well, Hendrux has finally finished his work on my Ocarina, and it feels
great! I have to say that it is really fulfilling to receive an
instrument after almost six years of searching. I rushed outside as
soon as Hendrux handed me the instrument, and happily played my songs
on it. I have to admit though, that I haven’t been writing too many
songs lately. I guess I better get to work on a few more pieces, and
prepare for the next audtion.

Afterwards, I returned to town, and spoke with the
potter Worlin Klee, about getting an Alchemy Bowl, and she sent me on a
quest to find her some clay to make it with. It took many hours of
searching, and a few nudges from some friends, but I finally found the
source of the clay. I have to say though, that it wasn’t where I
expected it to be. Worlin Klee then sent me on a few more errands, but
she still didn’t seem ready to make me an Alchemy Bowl. Worlin sure is
one picky potter! One good thing did come about from all the running
around, though. As my clan mater Drue’Dreemi and I wandered the East
Forest, we ran into a multi-colored butterfly, who blew us some kisses.

One more thing worth mentioning. After flying
around the lands causing havok, we two butterflies returned to town for
some rest. There, I encountered an exile selling a nice blue cloak for
100c, which I just had to purchase. The cloak bears startling
resemblance to the first cloak I ever had, when I came to the lands of
Puddleby. Now my cloak collection is up to three! 🙂

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