Dun'ilsar Rehearsal

Posted on December 11, 2000 in Uncategorized

Day 77, Year 540 of the Ascendancy

Today was my clan’s monthly meeting, and we had a rather large turnout.
After disscussing several matters pertaining to the clan and being
introduced to some new hopefuls, we decided to practice for our
upcomming Dun’ilsar by having a mock Money Hunt.

We all gathered in the Sacred Grove, and split up
into two groups. One group, led by Fleming, was to take the Northwest
Forest and bear caves, while my group hunted the rest of North Forest
and the the Fringe. Fleming gave the signal, and we went our separate
ways, agreeing to meet back in the Sacred Grove in three hours.

Entering the North Forest, our group was surprised
to find the woods almost empty. Even the normally packed Muddy Forest
and Fringe held very few critters. With the time running out, we
decided to head for the Feral Den.

This turned out to be a good move, since the
forests surrounding the Den were packed with Giant Ferals. However, we
were only able to take a quick peek into the Feral Den before we headed
back to the Sacred Grove.

In the Grove, the money from both groups was
totaled up, and we made a whoping total of 507 coins. Hopefully we will
be able to do better when it’s time for the real thing.

In other news, while my clan was practicing for
the Dun’ilsar, there were several interesting events going on in
Tenebrion’s Keep. I don’t know all of what happened, but when I arrived
at the keep, it seemed that Tenebrion was keeping several exiles
hostage, and many exiles were present, arguing for the release of the

Also, it seems the Mystics Leonin and Aki had a
private conversation with Tenebrion, regarding the opening of portals.
The transcripts can be found on Babajaga’s Scrolls, but in brief, Aki basically explained to Tenebrion that Mystics cannot open portals, merely see past illusions.

One particular line that gave me pause was when
Tenebrion said: “I will need you to learn to open portals one day.”
What he meant by this is yet to be determined…

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