South Forest Outpost

Posted on May 14, 2000 in Uncategorized

Day 296, Year 537 of the Ascendancy

Well Journal, today I made it to ELF’s monthly
clan meeting, in which we discussed how our plans for ship building
were coming. We now have all the necessary wood and silk(see day 269)
for the ship, and all we need now is a skillful builder to build a ship
for us. When the ship is complete, chosen members of our clan will sail
away on it, to an isle on which we hope to build our Sylvan Outpost.
While discussing the plans for our Outpost, the subject of the new
outpost being built by Usnar was brought up.

Strange Outpost

The oupost, it seems, is being built to protect
Puddleby from a new menace from the south. Why the builders thought to
build an outpost in such an obscure location was beyond us. It was
decided by the clan that wood and stones would be donated to Usnar, to
help a fellow sylvan out in his endeavors to build an outpost. And if a
single sylvan can build an outpost, surely so can we!

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