Libros Visits Puddleby

Posted on May 19, 2000 in Uncategorized

Day 319, Year 537 of the Ascendancy

Very rarely does Puddleby receive many visitors,
besides the occaisional influx of slaves and exiles. Today, Puddleby
was honored by the arrival of the learned scholar, Libros.
He came to Puddleby, thinking to build another library on
Puddleby(although we have 5 of them already), and brought with him many
valuable tomes. However, as his ship neared Puddleby, it was beset by
Darshak pirates, and his nearly three dozen books were stolen by the
Darshak. Luckily for Libros, the exiles of Puddleby intervened, and got
the books back from the Darshak. The problem was, some of the exiles
did not want to give up the valuable tomes, once they had gotten them.


Libros got back twenty of his thirty six books,
and is still searching for the missing sixteen. Libros has decided to
donate his tomes to Edric’s advanced library of Puddleby. Libros
noticed that some copies of his tomes already exist in Edric’s
collection, and that could make up for some of the losses of tomes, but
not all. Libros now resides in the library, patiently waiting for the
dishonest exiles to return to him his tomes.


Libros’ tomes can only benefit exiles, by helping
them to learn more quickly in the advanced library, so any exiles
holding onto these valuable tomes should give them back to Libros!

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