Category Archives: Uncategorized

Ma’ta Salazar

Merdi, day 78 of Winter, 582 In the dark of the night, shortly before midnight struck on Merdi, the seventy-eighth day of Winter of the year 582, Salazar graduated to the rank of full Mystic. As seems to be tradition, … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in Asenath, Astoria, Celebration, Diotima, Feodoric, Frank the Mute, Lov'sya, Lundar, Muwe, Mystic, Salazar, Starsword, Stora, Trymon, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Geharza Plane on the Full Moon

Soldi, day 74 of Winter, 582 A small yet influential group known as Purple Haze led an expedition to the Geharza Plane. I am by no means an expert on any of the alternate planes of existence, be it purgatory, … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in Ether, FMOCR, Geharza, Orga, Uncategorized | 1 Comment

A New Page

Fordi, day 72 of Winter, 582 In the thirty-three years I have been exiled, I have always found it fascinating to read others’ scrolls detailing their lives and experiences in the Lok’Groton. It has been a way to experience things … Read the rest of this entry

Filed in Lundar, Uncategorized | Comment Now