Category Archives: Rambling

Old Flames Can Still Set the World Ablaze

…as long as they still burn. Althea might not have been fully honest giving Slyph and I her blessing. Or did she even do that? I thought she had… Maybe she was just polite or putting on an act while … Continue reading

Posted in Althea, Rambling, Slyph, Yor | Leave a comment

Slyph’s Chainmail Bikini: Curse or Blessing?

26th day of Summer, 582 I suppose there may be worse kinds when it comes to curses. Clearly worse than a curse consisting of having to model in her bikini for her fiancĂ©, yet hardly a threat to her life … Continue reading

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1st day of Summer, 582 Ah… Slyph! Slyph, Slyph, Slyph… Everything has changed. The trees seem to whisper sweet nothings in my ears, birds and lesser sylvans than you alike chirp your name melodically. The mud has been replaced by … Continue reading

Posted in Rambling, Slyph | 3 Comments

A Place for my Thoughts

21st day of Spring, 582 It’s been a very strange time. A tiring time, but enlightening all the same. Adventure follows adventure, and sleep rescinds before them. And so it does too, before the “simple” act of having a conversation … Continue reading

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