Hello Readers,
I don’t presume I have a very large audience at this point, especially since I have been stuck almost exclusively in the library as of late, through no fault of my own. There was a bit of an accident and the healers are trying to teach me that I need to train with my body to improve coordination and strength. So I am currently stuck laying on a pile of books neatly stacked and covered with a few quilts as I slowly rest and heal the old fashioned way.
However, I have an obligation to my clan and will do my best to uphold it. Var is hosting his first hunt soon (Aug. 4th at 2pm Eastern), and I am not sure whether I will be healed enough to attend myself. I requested that mister Paramedic post an announcement to garner support for his hunt several days ago, but it seems he is backed up with paperwork again.
Everyone is invited to this hunt, and I hope that Var gets a good turnout. It is to the Ethereal Tower, Lugubrion’s Level. If there is extra time, we tend to have a secondary plan.
I am starting to get sleepy again, so I’ll sign off this letter and hope that those who read it will pass word along.
It is not common for me to use my journal for this purpose, and I don’t expect to ever need to again.
See you when I am feeling better,
Lily Fren
Nudge nudge! 🙂