As I write these lines, I am dreadfully ill. Shakily-handed, with the unpleasant cotton in my mouth that comes with drinking my weight in beer and other alcoholic beverages, the world around is still turning and shaking and twisting, and so is my stomach. My face is blue for some reason, too. I suspect some foul play on Lily’s part orchestrated that particular plan.

My lovely blueberry dumpling was the first of us to fall, she's always been a fast drinker, but of course wouldn't stop there. Sadly she was raised before I could position her under the tap.
Things are coming back to me however. First of course the drinking. Thankfully it has yet to come back in a literal sense, despite the encouragements and subconscious need for emulation that comes with extended exposure to Naferu. But other reminders of the party are present. Such as, well, presents. I believe I once had room in my bag!

Aw. My honeylumps sweetums munchkin and I, looking together in the same direction - the next keg - but not quite able to reach. Thankfully we were back on our feet soon enough!
Now I seem to be lugging around a trophy of a Greater Death, among other things. Flashes of Gremlins recommending I hide behind it when my dear Slyph is in a murderous rampage blink to existence in my memory – or was it threatening her with it? Either way… Silly Zo! My tender marshmallow only goes on murderous rampages for people who deserve it, of course, and I tend to be more than happy to join in on the lynching, ritual burning, or simple dismembering.

A Greater Death! Quite the trophy... I suppose it'll be a change from the many mundane deaths I tend to collect.
There were more presents… A lovely vase from Chopper I believe (It seems to be painted to represent some strange religious concepts of bunny gods ruling over bunny people, that was my first clue. The second clue was that it was wrapped half-full of blood)… Drake drops from Mondegreen. I believe my snugglebear even got a gold necklace! As well as an indulstone from Gremlins again — to recall me if I was to try to escape, as if I would!

I get a bloody vase, Slyph gets a necklace. I might have been jealous; but had I gotten expensive gifts I would probably have just given them to my rainbow-flavored pudding cup.
Sadly, other images creep into my recollection of the party’s events. Dreadful things, terrible horrors… Speeches. Endless, self-gratifying speeches serving no other purpose than breaking the rhythm, keeping people from the beer, putting people to sleep! Thankfully a shot or two of the harder stuff made it bearable… But the images and sounds do still haunt me.

Sadly I was not drunk enough yet to blur quite as much of the speeches out of my memory as I would have liked. My scrumptious tangleberry pie was struggling, too, of course.
The few hesitant sketches I somehow managed of the party itself tell a different story at least. Great fun with beer and my sweetie-pie’s hilarious impersonations, lovely music — including a piece written by Ojesi about our legendary love already! Phiros was there playing, too, I remember that much.

A worthy ending to the party! Thankfully the few winners didn't stop our friends running the Golden Butterfly from pocketing quite a good chunk of change.
And of course, I remember that it ended in what’s become a second home, almost a love nest to my sugar-coated-love-muffin and I: The Golden Butterfly of course! I remember the burden of carrying my purse lifting quite quickly, replaced by the wholesome calm of the slots machine’s joyous clamor. Some even won things! But mostly we were happy to bring business to our good friends in charge of the place.
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