Our Family Pictures
Why I Hate Beasties
- I Hate Noids
- They
stand there staring at you, wanting to lay their eggs in you. (The
caverns have changed, so this scene can no longer be witnessed by
- I Really Hate Noids
- Our brick vanished, a backswarm appeared, and disaster struck
- I Could Do Without All The Attention
- Orga Petulants don't need to stand guard around me, honest.
- I Hate Mice
- They stand there staring at you, wanting to nibble on your toes.
- And I'm Not Fond of Wild Cats, Either
- One can only take so much affection before it becomes overwhelming. Twenty-five cats is about twenty-four cats too many.
- I Didn't Order This Many Wendies
- Not only do these pack animals swarm you, they have very bad breath.
- Why Healers Don't Go for A Loaf of Bread Alone
- Even the most civilized of areas can become a deathtrap for the unwary.
The amazing thing is, Llerendel didn't get munched after taking this shot.
- And Don't Go Back For Milk, Either
- Although
not as dangerous as a Death Vermine or Myrm invasion, the Giant Purple
Slug infestation left treacherous footing in the town walkways for
days. Also note the inaction of the Emperor's Sentinel during this
hazardous time.
- The Darshaks Are Not Our Friends
- They are constantly probing up the river to the east of Puddleby
Stalking the Wild Beastie
- Take a Number
- Notelrac lining up some crocs to the slaughter.
- Playing Pied Piper
- Notelrac leads a mess of undines away from some healers.
- Stalking the Elusive Wood
- Wood is one of the most elusive monsters ever hunted for. It is
usually found in the forest east of Puddleby. Be careful while harvesting it.
- Danger at the Mirror
- To stay or to go, that is the question.
- Eyeballing a Desert Cat
- Swift, sure, powerful -- the Desert Cat is one of the most dangerous of all beasties.
- Aren't You a Bit Far From Home?
- Either a new tree-climbing species, or awandering far afield.
- Kids, Don't Try This at Home
- Four failed rescue attempts had left 20 down in Cold and Snowy.
Here's the rescue party that finally cleared out the place.
- Love a Brick
- Bricks are your friend. Bricks will save you when the monsters swarm.
Share with your brick. Keep it amused, lest it depart or time out.
- Mr. Popularity
- Notelrac must have worn the wrong aftershave, or something...
- An Unwelcome Travelling Companion
- Coming across this frenzied fellow during a short outing is most perturbing.
- Two are Better than One
- Distracting the two guardians of South Pass
Tourist Attractions
- Building a Better Tommorrow
- Llerendel contributes to the building fund for Amarathea's future school.
- The Obnoxious Farmer
- Source of an endless torrent of abusive language.
- Sightseeing in Middle Pass
- Llerendel and her buddies pose around the giant Well. A luminescent sign
at the bottom reads Under Construction -- Come Back Later.
- Sightseeing in the Desert Camp
- Llerendel catches a few rays amidst the colorful tents. Alas, there is nothing inside any of them.
- Sightseeing in Orga Camp
- The beds are lousy, but the food is terrific. Rage Burgers with a side
order of Furies, all covered with a delightful Death Vermine garnish. Also, a group portrait with the group that cleaned the place up.
- Sightseeing in the Tanglewood Meadow
- Hard
to find in a maze of twisty turning woods that look all alike,
Llerendel enjoys a brief moment of peaceful silence amidst the bright
- Sightseeing in the Swamp
- Notelrac enjoys a moment of rest in one of the few dry spots in the muddy part of the island.
- One and Two Noid Webs
- Once the Arachnoid Caverns are cleared, you can examine the extensive finery and needlepoint in the farther cave branches.
- The West and East and South Meangerie Cages
- Only the few, the proud, the scared witless are invited into the Centaur's showpiece.
- Bones of the Great Ones?
- Llerendel examines the remains of a great beast.
- A Floating Rock?
- Pebbles near South Beach suddenly decide to levitate.
Significant Beings
- MidSummer the FireDrake
- SHE is lost, and he grieves, he grieves so. Please help to find HER.
- Flame the Forest Drake
- Flame and MidSummer don't appear to get along with each other. Both are drawn to the great skeleton northeast of Puddleby.
- Beacon of the Ancients
- The Ranger can fight with one hand and heal with another. His whims become natural laws.
- Gaia of the Ancients
- When She appears, the normal rules of monster spawning are suspended.
- Sunstone the Spirit Master
- Inexorable, unstoppable, unkillable...
- Orga Hatred
- Leads the orgas into battle
- Orga Hero
- Leads the defence of the Orga Camp. Unless we stop attacking the Camp, he will attack Puddleby.
- The 'Noid Sentinel
- A cryptic watcher at the entrance to the Arachnoid Caves.
They Can Be Killed
- Forest Giant
- Their quick regeneration make them nigh unkillable unless you know the secret.
- Spriggin
- They jump so fast that nabbing a spriggin was ususally an accident. Spriggins are now unkillable.
- Forest Drake
- A lesser brother of the Great Ones.
- Greymyr
- An
inpenetrable skin makes these stone warriors invulnerable to all but
the most puissant of warriors. Anyone know what 10% of 50% of one of
these is worth?
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