Grumpy Old ClannersGrank: Welcome, my precious crawlers, to a wonderful land filled with sugarsticks and lollipops, a world filled with love and joy and all the sweet... Hrok: Layin' it on think, eh
old man? Grank: Who asked you, stupid turtle...why if I were
back in my prime...! Hrok: Yea, and wendeckas might fly outta my narrow
purple butt. Grank: Bah, stupid turtle...anyways, ok, I was lying
through my rotting yellow teeth - this site has nothing to do with nice
people, things, or subjects. It's about crochy old men... Hrok: A crochy old man... Grank: ...who like to gripe a lot. If you like that
sort of thing, as sure tootin as I do, you'll stick around and participate.
Otherwise, get the hell out of here! We don't need your kind takin up bandwidth! Hrok: Yeah, that's going to increase our hits to match
Clanworld, keep it up old man... Grank: Hello? Yes, I'd like to order one turtle BBQ
pit...yes, I'll hold... Hrok: Uh, while he goes on his telephone power trip,
let's take a tour, shall we? Wonderful... First off is this area, the Daily
Gripe area. We feature our latest conversations about things in Clan Lord,
in which we don't always agree... Grank: Uh, black would be nice, or maybe,
I'd like to charge this purchase to Mastercard... Hrok: Hmm, next is our Letters section, which
is obviously barren right now (no thanks to Grank here), where we show
you some of the letters we get and answer them... Grank: 79.95? Good Gaia! In my day, we paid that kind
of money for an entire friggin town! Oh? Free box of jello you say... Hrok: ...And last off is our Visit Me area, where
you can write us letters or just spam us to death (haze, flame, hate mail,
whatever). Uh, well, enjoy for now, I'm sure Grank has more in store (gulp)
for you later... Grank: Ha! Wadda ya think about that turtle boy? The
Puddleby Deluxe supreme FlameMaster 3000 with full turtle BBQ'ing power
and a free box of jello! Mwhaha...
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