Ann GM is now Clanning. Ann GM is a Thoom, is female, is a Game Master, and is not wearing the symbol of any clan. Ann GM asks, "Sign it?" Ann GM says, "Hm, sure." Bones shows what looks like autographed small drawing of Ann GM to Coriakin. (WormTounge laughs.) (Sabbit raises his hand) Ann GM asks, "What's up, Sabbit?" Sabbit asks, "Do you like my shirt?" Ann GM says, "Yes, Sabbit, it's remarkable." Sutai exclaims, "Ann, when will Madcat be back!?!" Ann GM says, "Sutai, I have no idea, sorry." Kiriel D'Sol asks, "Ann, any word on labels?" Kiriel D'Sol says, "for different categories of folks in the player list" Kiriel D'Sol says, "I believe they said it was "on the list"" Ann GM says, "Kiriel, tha word on labels is "hard!"" Ann GM says, "I started working on them." Ann GM says, "But it was more complicated than I expected." Ann GM says, "So it'll take a while." Shen Calin says, "The whatzits are pretty cool." Shen Calin says, "We all like the naming command I am sure." Ann GM says, "Thanks, Shen. I'm glad you like them." Kiriel D'Sol says, "oh yes, I love those" Bones says, "I would like whatzit food boxes" Hidden exclaims, "Actually, speaking of sliced bread, guess what we want in v248!" Ann GM asks, "What was the coolest thing before sliced bread came along?" (Sutai shows what looks like sliced bread to Hidden.) Hidden says, "Regular bread" Sutai says, "hah" Kiriel D'Sol asks, "any chance of drag and drop from text log?" Kiriel D'Sol says, "I know I keep asking, but I really want it :(" Ann GM says, "Kiriel, I'll ask the client expert. If I have to learn how to do it, it might be years. :)" Crunch asks, "Ann, any idea how long till we can lock in weapon training?" Ann GM says, "Crunch, I don't know." Shen Calin asks, "Will we be able to un/lock the training?" Ann GM says, "I promised I wouldn't say anything about the fancy fighter weapons." Ann GM says, "But I'd expect that once they're locked, they're locked forever." Shen Calin says, "Sounds fair Ann" Ann GM says, "You can train more, I'd think, but no less." Sutai says, "Are healers & mystics going to get their "fancy things that can't be unlocked" soon too? :)" Ann GM asks, "Do you want an honest answer, Sutai, or the feel-good answer?" Sutai exclaims, "Honest!" Prue says, "the 5th circle test is in. you have to go to gaia's temple to learn the name of a fallen to heal in the outpost." Ann GM says, "Yes, "soon!"" Shen Calin exclaims, "Ooh!" Ann GM says, "No, not very soon." Sutai says, "Yay! Aw." Ann GM says, "Actually, "soon" is a bit of a lie." Ann GM says, "Because nobody's actively working on them right this monment." Hrothgar ponders, "Soon was always quite a lie ;D" Ann GM says, "Mystics were out in the lead for a long while on the "new stuff to do" front." Ann GM says, "Healers were doing pretty well for a time too, with cads and mercurial staves." Ann GM says, "Right now it's mostly fighters' turns." Hidden asks, "Do you know what the healer subclass(es) will be like or are they not designed yet?" Ann GM says, "The basic idea is that each class will have subclasses that kinda sorta angle toward the other two." Ann GM says, "So if healers are moon-oriented, with their moonstones, then you'd have a moon-sun healer..." Ann GM says, "Who was still a healer, but whose abilities verged toward mystic stuff." Klur asks, "Yes but for fighters you have some thoughts I believe along the line of the weapons I have heard. Do you have similar ideas already for healers?" Ann GM says, "Specific plans? Some, but not complete designs." Prue asks, "are subclasses a permanent sort of career decision?" Ann GM says, "I expect they will be, Prue." Kiriel D'Sol says, "let me just say that the new areas are great. we like new areas :)" Ann GM says, "Thanks, I'll pass along the praise." Soulmaster says, "you guys need to make more golems, Ann" Ann GM says, "Who, me? I've never made a golem." Soulmaster says, "we need water, ice, glacier, sand.." Kiriel D'Sol says, "yeah, golems are cool" Ann GM asks, "What do you like about them?" Kiriel D'Sol says, "they're good and ugly :)" Ann GM asks, "The pictures and general idea of them?" Soulmaster says, "they could be the "theme" for some new areas" Hidden says, "There need to be more things that throw projectiles at a distance, especially lightning" Ann GM says, "Everybody make note of what Hidden just requested, please. :)" Kiriel D'Sol says, "he's a rod, of course he wants that :)" Crunch says, "Hidden was gonna be lynched soon enough anyway, he had nothing to lose" (Ann GM chuckles.) Sutai says, "we need more giant carnivorous plankton in new areas" Soulmaster says, "hahahah, I like that idea Sutai" (Ann GM laughs.) Hrothgar asks, "Any thoughts on people trying to organise groups based on the other specialty weapons? Could you give em a hand?" Ann GM asks, "What kind of a hand do you mean, Hrothgar?" Hrothgar asks, "Perhaps talk to the most proficient members and give them an affiliation?" Ann GM says, "Affiliations are usually given to groups that already exist." Ann GM says, "They're a way to recognize something, not to create it." Hrothgar says, "The Nacereans have progressed noticably farther than others, just because we are "There for each other"" Shen Calin says, "the Nacerean Order exists." Hidden says, "DorfCare is way more consistant in their RPing than any other group" Ann GM says, "Ah, now you're talking." 8/13/02 6:19:23p Soulmaster says, "psh, the nacerean order doesn't represent all the blodbladers ;-0" Haze says, "DorfCare should definately get an affiliation dealie." Ann GM says, "When lots of people not even in the group start bugging us to give them an affiiation, then they're just about ready for one. :)" Aries yells, "DorfCareª!! Gonna start bustin it up if we dont get an affiliation soon!" Ann GM says, "People NOT in the group, Aries. But good try." Kiriel D'Sol says, "I would really like to see the appearance of snow critters during winter on occasion in the appropriate locations" Kiriel D'Sol says, "during winter we should see random ice maha and snow artaks appear in sav and south forest" Kiriel D'Sol says, "the tough on the server thing I think is weather" Ann GM says, "doing seasons right would be hard on either the server or the client, depending on how it was done." Kiriel D'Sol asks, "could we have things happen different during seasons tho?" Ann GM says, "Doing them halfway... it's mostly a question of whether it's worth it, and how odd it would look." Kiriel D'Sol says, "I would start just by the occasional seasonal animals" Kiriel D'Sol says, "and then eventually phase in some snowy trees and stuff" Hidden says, "We have that to some extent -- summer artaks" Kiriel D'Sol says, "summer artaks are around year round tho" Hidden says, "I see 'em mainly in summer" Kiriel D'Sol asks, "are summer artak's frequency tied to the seasons?" Ann GM says, "Good question, Kiriel." Kiriel D'Sol says, "but just occasional hints of the seasons I think would be nice" Ann GM says, "Noted, Kiriel. We'll take it under consideration. ;)" Ann GM says, "Monsters are easier than any of the "permanent" graphics." Coriakin says, "Ann, about Whatzits, you might want to make people not be able to use commas in the names. (if possible)" Sutai asks, "Commas?" Ann GM asks, "Why's that, Coriakin?" Coriakin says, "Well, /info me" Coriakin is a Thoom, is male, is a Healer, and is wearing the symbol of the Red Quill. He is holding a mercurial staff and a knight's shield, and he is wearing a sunstone, a sylphstone ring, what looks like a black fedora, a sixth circle healer's belt, a shirt and a pair of pants. Ann GM says, "Heh" Sutai says, "haha! clever :)" Coriakin says, "Can't really do anything bad with them, but... well, you know :)" Ann GM says, "Hmm." Ann GM says, "Outlawing commas entirely seems drastic." (Coriakin grins) oriakin exclaims, "Illegal comma! 5 day banishment!" Soulmaster says, "Delta Tao is anti-grammer :)" Hidden says, "Yes, outlawing commas would suck" Hidden shows what looks like Life, the Universe, and Everything to everyone. Shen Calin asks, "Can you make a set of cloak'd figures that actually represent their race?" Ann GM says, "Me? No way. I can barely make a gumball." Sutai says, "Your gumball rocks, Ann :)" Shen Calin says, "You understand what I meant." Ann GM says, "Yes, I know." Ann GM says, "We might have more representative cloaks someday, but other new icons are being worked on first." Soulmaster asks, "I've heard it before I think, but I want to check, we're getting all the new player icons at once?" Ann GM says, "It depends on when they're done, Soulmaster." Soulmaster says, "ah" Sutai asks, "Can clothes items go by their name and not a number?" Ann GM asks, "How do you mean, Sutai?" Lundar asks, "Can't you just name them now, Sutai?" Sutai says, "Well.. I got a new cloak today, and for some reason it became #2" Ann GM says, "You can /equip them by name." Sutai asks, "yes?" Sutai says, "great! Nevermind :)" Ann GM says, "If you name it "red", you can /equip red, or /equip shirt red, or /equip shirt 2 red ..." Sutai exclaims, "Thanks for fixing that bug so fast!" Elenis Reyav asks, "Ann, is there anything in progress to increase inventory space?" Ann GM says, "Elenis, not in general. There might be a couple more kinds of sacks, similar to kudzu bags." Elenis Reyav says, "Ah, alright." Ann GM says, "Well, I was going to make ore and wheat sacks, but after a few surveys it looked like nobody carried much of those." Kiriel D'Sol says, "I sometimes have as many as 8 wheat" Ann GM says, "I know, Kiriel... but you're nearly the only one who would." Klur says, "Potion sack would be very hand for red healing." Ann GM says, "Potion kegs are a possibility." Shen Calin asks, "What about more share slots?" Ann GM says, "shen, not likely." Blackheart says, "sack of mystic tokens" Ann GM says, "Blackheart, no comment..." Kiriel D'Sol asks, "what about treasure chests that last?" Ann GM says, "On the list, Kiriel." Shen Calin asks, "Maybe we can get a chest, footlocker.. or something to make our inventory larger?" Ann GM says, "Shen, that's storage lockers." Shen Calin says, "Umm.." Shen Calin says, "I meant personal.. like as in on person." Ann GM says, "Not liekly, Shen, sorry. Having to decide what to carry around is important." Coriakin asks, "Ann, could the alchemy lab get a pool of water to fill bottles with?" Ann GM asks, "A pool, in the building? Who would keep it scrubbed?" Coriakin says, "Maybe someone could divert the river. ;)" Rylantar says, "there's a pool in that building by the docks" Soulmaster asks, "are there any new hunting challenges on the way?" Ann GM says, "Not right at the top of the list, but it's not too hard to do, so it's not at the bottom either." Hidden says, "Could you sack the GM that's working on the Outpost and hold them down and beat them until they agree to work faster? :)" Kiriel D'Sol says, "ooh good idea Hidden" Ann GM says, "Hidden: yes." Elenis Reyav says, "Ann, is anyone working on allowing exiles to deposit into other's accounts? (just deposits)" Ann GM says, "Elenis, not at the moment, but it sounds like a reasonable idea." Ann GM asks, "Would you want recordkeeping, like for the clan accounts?" Elenis Reyav says, "Hrm, that'd be nice." Elenis Reyav says, "If we could get a 'recent statement'" Ann GM says, "I don't know what might happen in the future, but right now there are no plans to make it easy to change your name." Sabbit says, "Anne... what was up with my tets today. I mean I was two swings away..." Ann GM says, "Sabbit: sorry, that was my fault." Cecil says, "heh" Ann GM says, "I was playing around with the random numbers." Sabbit says, "suuuure "random"" Ann GM says, "Amazing what you can do when you poke the individual bits in the processor just right." Sutai asks, "This is probably an unanswerable question, but is the Phantasmonicon returning?" Ann GM says, "I didn't know it was gone, Sutai." Lundar says, "It's been gone for a while, I think" WormTounge asks, "Any way it'd be possible to wear more than one ring?" Ann GM says, "WormTounge, I don't know." Aries says, "so ann i got a question for ya" Ann GM says, "Sure, Aries." (Aries gets down on one knee..) Cecil ponders, "thats 2" Aries asks, "whens we gettin hitched?" Sutai ponders, "such a romantic" Teffin ponders, "how romantic.." (Cecil hands Ann a barf bag) Aries says, ":@)" Ann GM exclaims, "You told me we had to wait for the test results!" Cecil says, "ROFL" Aries says, "oh ya huh" Cecil yells, "JERYY! JERRY JERRY!" Ann GM says, "If we got hitched, Aries, I'm a little worried about Mr Pudding." Sutai exclaims, "So THAT's why he had a page in his Phantasmonomicon!" Ann GM says, "He proposed to me years ago, but he never follwed through." Aries says, "im there for ya babe" Ann GM says, "Crushed my poor thoomy heart, he did." Ann GM asks, "Why not?" Bones exclaims, "there are 150 thooms in this town and only 30 thoom women!" Ann GM says, "Hmph, you see what Mr Pudding did. I've just about had my fill of thoom males." Aries says, "im all bout fishin" Soulmaster exclaims, "hohoho!" Sutai exclaims, "You need a human!" Bones says, "Coriakin here is a very talented, sexy thoom.." (Sutai distracts Ann.) Ann GM says, "Hmm." (Sutai does the stupid leg dance!) Ann GM says, "With all these suitors, I just might have to have a competition." Ann GM says, "Maybe next Wild Wednesday I'll have a quest to win the hand of the most eligible female thoom GM in these fairgrounds." WormTounge asks, "So that'll be in how many years?" (Ann GM laughs.) Ann GM says, "I'd like to have one, WormTounge, but it's not up to me." Aries exclaims, "thats the day ann dumps these 2 bit thooms and gits hitched wit me, thats right ME!" Ann GM says, "Tell me honestly, Aries snookums." Aries says, "yer the cats meow ann" Ann GM asks, "This isn't just a ploy to get a DorfCare affiliation, is it?" Aries says, "hell no! i cares bout ya baby" Ann GM says, "Well, okay then." (Eldon GM waves) WormTounge says, "Hello Eldon" Lundar ponders, "there's two of them!" Eldon GM exclaims, "2 GMs for the price of one!" Soulmaster says, "you're area in the hall of our heroes is great, Eldon" Eldon GM asks, "Which one, Soulmaster?" Soulmaster says, "the river one" Eldon GM says, "Oh yes. Thank you" Bones asks, "ah yes, eldon is mr Cod flinger?" Bones yells, "Cod!" Ann GM says, "No no, Eldon is Mr Riverboat Tour." (Eldon GM chuckles) Ann GM says, "The flung cod is by one of the non-GM area designer volunteers." Sabbit asks, "Ann, could we have a command like /duel that would offer a duel to another exile?" Sutai says, "/duel would be good :)" Ann GM says, "/duel is on the list, mostly." Sutai asks, "Is the problem with dueling game balance or coding?" Ann GM says, "Dueling: design mostly, I think. It hasn't gotten past the design stage, so we don't know the coding problems yet." Bones says, "it would also be nice if NPCs could get killed by monsters" Bones says, "like crius" Bones says, "he just stands there in the middle of an invasion invulnerable" Ann GM says, "Bones, yes, it would, but it's hard." (Fishwinkle catiously pokes EldonGM... wondering if he is really an NPC) (Fishwinkle): POKE Eldon GM exclaims, "ow!" Eldon GM exclaims, "NPCs are people too!" Coriakin says, "Yeah, like that sexy About NPCs." (Eldon GM grins) Soulmaster exclaims, "ha! Eldon isn't even a real NPC!" Eldon GM says, "Greetings, Master Soulmaster" Soulmaster says, "ah haha" Eldon GM says, "I can train you in chiggerness" Soulmaster asks, "oh really?" Eldon GM asks, "Interested?" Eldon GM ZAP! (Eldon GM smiles) Naferu asks, "Where is ShadowDancing?" Naferu says, "i haven't seen her in years" Ann GM says, "Naferu, she's taking a break." WormTounge asks, "Ann, would you like your clothing repaired?" Ann GM says, "Oh, not just yet, thank you." Stormtalon says, "oooh, duelling GMs" Ann GM says, "Heh." Ann GM says, "GM duels can be fun, until someone takes them seriously." Ann GM says, "We've had a few bouts on the test server." Coriakin asks, "What happens?" Ann GM says, "Well, the winning move is "/set eldon gm=0"" (Eldon GM laughs) Eldon GM ponders, "She's closer to the server plug too" Coriakin says, "A sort of epic battle-quest hingie between a few god-like things might be interesting" Coriakin says, "If exiles had to choose a side, etc." Ann GM says, "It sounds like something you'd watch, rather than drive." Coriakin says, "The exiles would do all the actual fighting"Ann GM says, "It's an interesting idea, Coriakin, but sounds hard to design well." Coriakin says, "But "Wouldn't it be cool if...." ;)" Ann GM says, "Yes, it would be." Sabbit says, "O Ann serious question" Ann GM says, "Sure, Sabbit." Sabbit asks, "When I fall, does it mess up my shirt?" Ann GM asks, "Good question. Try asking a tailor?" Sutai says, "Sabbit, the fact that your shirt costs 200c a second to wear messes it up :)" Coriakin says, "But "Wouldn't it be cool if...." ;)" Ann GM says, "Yes, it would be." Sutai says, "When is the outpost gonna open? :P" (Eldon GM chuckles) Lundar says, "good question" Sutai exclaims, "I don't even care if the outpost has anything.. I just want it open!" Stormtalon says, "yeah, get the outpost finished, so I can log on and say "Who are you and where is the real Clan Lord??? The outpost is open, and we all know that'll never REALLY happen!"" Soulmaster says, "and we want footage of the beating of outpostGM" Ann GM says, "Fair enough." (Ann GM chuckles.) Eldon GM exclaims, "It's not me!!" Soulmaster says, "I bet it's Michel GM" Soulmaster says, "he said that mystics sucked" WormTounge says, "All the GMs have said mystics suck" (Soulmaster shakes his fist at wormtounge) Ann GM says, "Not me. Mystics are totally cool, and the most powerful class in the game." Eldon GM ponders, "She's smooth" (Lundar quickly jots that down.) Ann GM says, "It's a tiny step from there to "They're too powerful, let's nerf 'em!" ;-)" Soulmaster says, "...that's true.." Ann GM says, "That's a joke, of course." Ann GM says, "So." Ann GM asks, "Any more questions or comments, or is it time to start the random funny killing?" Ann GM says, "That's why Eldon showed up, after all..." (Eldon GM nods) Stormtalon exclaims, "RFK!" Eldon GM exclaims, "ohohoh!" (Eldon GM specializes in Silly Killings) Ann GM says, "I guess we need at least one round of Monster Roulette, too." Soulmaster exclaims, "dwarf helmes and dying shoes!" Soulmaster says, "I need forest green shoes, badly" Soulmaster says, "the costume shop doesn't support them for some reason" Ann GM says, "Maybe sometime, Soulmaster." Soulmaster says, "I've got to dye these junkers" Ann GM says, "Dyeing shoes is more likely than helmets." Sutai says, "My gold shoes suck :)" Soulmaster says, "yeah, Sutai's shoes are really ugly" Sutai says, "they're like.. a dark tan :P" Haze says, "they look even worse and dwarves and hooded little people" Ann GM asks, "What do you expect, wearing fur shoes in a mudpuddle town?" Eldon GM ponders, "More tests check I want X new thing check" Ann GM asks, "Hey eldon?" Eldon GM asks, "Yes, ma'am?" Ann GM says, "Everybody's still alive here." Eldon GM exclaims, "Hmm...Let's change that!"