Constellation Name | Enba the Rat | Elixus the Cat | Shaer the Healer | Oobiscus the Foxweir | Eghorus the Rooster | Ina D’Xus the Warrior | Orcipus the Pig | Falinea the Centaur | Ma’Taline the Mystic | Detros the Ruknee | Awjusa and Hamusa the Shredders | Josephus the Ancient |
Year | 1, 13, 25, 37, 49, 61, 73, 85, 97, 109, 121, 133, 145, 157, 169, …, 575, 587, 599, 611 | 2, 14, 26, 38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98, 110, 122, 134, 146, 158, 170, …, 504, 516, 528, 540, 552, 564, 576, 588, 600, | 3, 15, 27, 39, 51, 63, 75, 87, 99, 111, 123, 135, 147, 159, 171, …, 529…, 577, 589, 601 | 4, …, 530, …, 578, 590, 602 | 5, …, 531, …, 579, 591, 603 | 6, …, 532, …, 580, 592, 604 | 7, …, 533, …, 581, 593, 605 | 8, …,534, …, 582, 594, 606 | 9, …, 535, …, 583, 595, 607 | 10, …, 536, …, 584, 596, 608 | 11, …, 537, …, 585, 597, 609 | 12, 14, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96, 108, 120, 132, 142, 154, 166, …, 538, 550, 562, 574, 586, 598, 610, |
Season | Early Spring | Spring | Spring Equinox | Late Spring | Early Summer | Summer Solstice | Late Summer | Fall | Fall Equinox | Late Fall | Early Winter | Winter Solstice |
Day | Fordi | Sombdi | Lundi | Merdi | Gradi | Terrdi | Fordi | Lundi | Gradi | Terrdi | Merdi | Soldi |
Time of Day | Early Morning | Morning | Noon | Afternoon | Late Afternoon | Sunset | Dusk | Night | Midnight | Late Night | Wee Hours of Darkness | Dawn |
Ruling Hours | 7 – 9 | 9 – 11 | 11 – 13 | 13 – 15 | 15 – 17 | 17 – 19 | 19 – 21 | 21 – 23 | 23 – 1 | 1 – 3 | 3 – 5 | 5 – 7 |
Numbers | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 0 & 12 |
Birthstone | Stone | Sparklestone | Moonstone | Atkite | Balthite | EarthStone | Darkite | Dethite | Sunstone | Suncrystal | Sungem | Ruby |
Metal | Tremolite | Tin & Judder | Tin | Copper & Tremolite | Gold & Judder | Iron | Judder | Tin & Iron | Gold | Gold & Iron | Copper & Tin | Copper |
Body Part | Arms | Legs | Hips | Chest | Neck | Head | Stomach | Heart | Eyes | Brain | Ears | Mind’s Eye |
Plane of Influence | Ash | Lava | Water | Earth | Plants & Air | Life & Blood | Purgatory | Astral & Abyssal | Mental | Ethereal | Mist | Void |
Symbolizes | Selfishness | Hunger | Spirit | Instinct | Awareness | Consciousness | Greed & Lust | Love & Hate | Knowledge | Wisdom | Death | Rebirth |
Compatible Signs | Elixus the Cat
Oobiscus the Foxweir Falinea the Centaur Detros the Ruknee |
Ina D’Xus the Warrior
Ma’Taline the Mystic Shaer the Healer Awjus & Hamusa the Shredders |
Orcipus the Pig
Awjus & Hamusa the Shredders Enba the Rat Eghorus the Rooster |
Josephus the Ancient
Falinea the Centaur Elixus the Cat Ina D’Xus the Warrior |
Enba the Rat
Ma’Taline the Mystic Shaer the Healer Orcipus the Pig |
Elixus the Cat
Oobiscus the Foxweir Falinea the Centaur Detros the Ruknee |
Shaer the Healer
Awjus & Hamusa the Shredders Eghorus the Rooster Ma’Taline the Mystic |
Oobiscus the Foxweir
Josephus the Ancient Ina D’Xus the Warrior Detros the Ruknee |
Eghorus the Rooster
Enba the Rat Orcipus the Pig Awjus & Hamusa the Shredders |
Ina D’Xus the Warrior
Elixus the Cat Falinea the Centaur Josephus the Ancient |
Orcipus the Pig
Shaer the Healer Ma’Taline the Mystic Enba the Rat |
Elixus the Cat
Oobiscus the Foxweir Falinea the Centaur Detros the Ruknee |
Opposite Sign | Orcipus the Pig | Falinea the Centaur | Ma’Taline the Mystic | Detros the Ruknee | Awjus & Hamusa the Shredders | Josephus the Ancient | Enba the Rat | Elixus the Cat | Shaer the Healer | Oobiscus the Foxweir | Eghorus the Rooster | Ina D’Xus the Warrior |
Zodiac Element | Earth | Air | Water | Fire | Earth | Air | Water | Fire | Earth | Air | Water | Fire |
Zodiac Quality | Fixed | Mutable | Cardinal | Fixed | Mutable | Cardinal | Fixed | Mutable | Cardinal | Fixed | Mutable | Cardinal |
Colors | Blue, Black | Turquiose, White, Red | Green, Blue, White, Moave | Yellow, Green, Red | Orange, Yellow | Red, Green, Blue, Yellow. | Magenta, Turquoise, Black | Moave, Red, | Purple, Yellow, Orange, Turquiose |
Violet, Black | Indigo, White | Black & White |
Flower | Moon-zu | Lilaberry | Ku | Catsbane | Earth-zu | Uli | Brambleberry | Orgaberry | Bluli | Starflower | Nightli | Deadly Poppy |
Gender | Feminine | Masculine | Feminine | Masculine | Masculine & Feminine |
Feminine | Masculine | Feminine | Masculine | Feminine | Masculine & Feminine | Masculine |
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